"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I didn't mean to bring up a bad memory for you, sorry," Barry apologized, and she just smiled at him.

"It's okay, I can handle it better now than before, although it still affects me a bit. When I was a child, my father left without any explanation, and then I lived with my mother, but she grew distant and detached from me. I think she was dealing with her own pain, but it's still hard," Eliza said, and Barry looked at her with sympathy.

"I had no idea, Eliza. I'm sorry," Barry said, and Eliza looked at him, giving him a sad smile.

"I never had real friends, I always lived secluded in my room or my lab, but then I met Caitlin, and she became my first and only friend, but I still felt that emptiness, like I was always alone."

"That's not true," Barry said firmly as he stood up and approached her. "You have me now, just like Caitlin, Cisco, Joe..."

Barry stopped when he realized he was standing too close to Eliza, closer than usual. They could feel each other's breath, as if it was blending together.

"Barry, I..." Eliza was about to tell him how she felt about him all this time. The truth was, ever since the Flash first appeared in Central City, Eliza had been interested in him, even liked and admired him. She always kept posters or newspaper clippings about him, and it grew stronger when she injected herself with V-9, feeling strong and even powerful, as if Trajectory was an unlock for Eliza to be someone else, and it became a means to find the Flash. But when Eliza found out who he really was, Barry Allen, someone who was willing to help her there, even after everything she had done, it made her fall even more in love with him.

Now, Eliza was just inches away from his face, with an impulse pushing her to wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him passionately, and Barry felt the same way. He had never met anyone like Eliza, she was intelligent, funny, cute, and sweet. It was as if, in that moment, nothing else existed but the two of them.

With each passing second, their lips were getting closer, and just as they were about to meet, Barry's phone suddenly rang, causing them to pull away immediately, their faces blushing.

Barry looked at his phone, and his eyes widened as he read the message. "Oh, crap."

"What's wrong?" Eliza asked, now moving closer to Barry.

"Harry has been kidnapped by a meta-human and is now missing," Barry sighed, and Eliza had a shocked expression on her face.

"Come on, I'll give you a ride to Star Labs," Eliza said to him as they started to leave the lab.

"I didn't know you had a car," Barry said to her as he followed.

"Well, it's not exactly a car," Eliza chuckled nervously.



After informing Jesse and gathering in the Cortex, Jesse sighed and sat down.

"This is all my fault. I should have never left," Jesse lamented.

"Don't blame yourself, Jesse. We'll find Harry," Barry said as he arrived next to Eliza.

"You guys got here pretty quickly," Cisco said, looking at the two of them with surprise.

"Ah yeah, I went to the police station to visit Barry, and then we decided to come together. Actually, I had my own vehicle, so I gave Barry a ride," Eliza said to him with a slight laugh.

"Yeah, she did. It was actually a scooter," Barry said, looking at Eliza. They locked eyes for a moment, and Cisco glanced at both of them, realizing they were a bit nervous until he figured out how they got there.

Beliza/TrajecFlash: Crazy for YouWhere stories live. Discover now