❌New ❌Hideout

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Chapter 5

When we reached our new home or I guess you can say hideout, I collapsed onto the floor , exhausted. The rain wasn't letting up and there was still no signs of it stopping anytime soon. I slowly drifted off into sleep. 'This dream sucks. Everything sucks. I hate everything about this. Even the fact that my life has become like this'

The storm continued to rage, causing the water to pound harder than usual and splash violently against the windows. I woke up again to see a dark shadow looming above me. "Huh?" I mumbled.

A small whimper escaped my lips. That's when I remembered where I was, what had happened yesterday, and everything else that happened the night before. Everything seemed to flash before my eyes, bringing back so many memories. I sat up suddenly, startling the figure in front of me. "You're awake!" He exclaimed happily.

"Hey" I replied, a little more calm than previously. "Are you alright? You were pretty freaked out." He asked me. "Well duh, it's been a bad day for you too, hasn't it? Plus, it's not everyday that someone comes crashing into your room and tries to stab you in the face"

A girl with pink-purpleish hair stated with a slightly sarcastic tone in her voice.  "Yeah, yeah... but that's not the point..." the guy told her before turning back to me. "Look, I'm sorry about last night. It was an accident.. One of our members made a mistake when going out on a mission and accidentally forgot to look around to see if anyone was following him back to our old base and that's how this whole thing happened.

But don't worry because you'll be safe with us here." He explained to me. I nodded and looked away. "It's fine. Really." I know I don't have to worry with Machi and Shalnark here but I wonder where Feitan went , haven't seen him since I woke up.

'WAIT A MINUTE WHY AM I SO CALM ABOUT THIS. IM IN AN ANIME THAT ONE ;IVE BEEN WATCHING FOR YEARS AND TWO; I STILL CANT FIGURE OUT WHICH PART OF THE PLOT IM IN. IF I DONT FIGURE THIS OUT SOON I MIGHT DIE!!!!' I  told myself, panicking. 'No! Don't say things like that. If you panic you won't think straight'I tried to calm myself down.

"So....where are we going to stay now?" I asked them curiously. They both smirked and laughed simultaneously. "Here. where else would we stay,dummy." Someone in the shadows stated. It was Feitan. "Oh" I said.  "But aren't we supposed to wait for your leader first?" I asked confusedly.

"We are waiting for him, but he doesn't need to know that" someone else in the shadows stated, giggling. "Yeah, don' tell him, he'll just freak out, that's for sure" Another one added.

'What the hell? Why are they laughing? Shouldn't they be worried about their leader? What's wrong with everyone?' I thought to myself. "I want to take care of this idiot here.I'm gonna fix his head for him." Someone shouted excitedly.

I froze up and stood there, frozen to the spot. "Wait your joking right?!!? please forgive me!" The voice begged.  "I said, that I'm gonna FIX YOUR HEAD AND THATS THAT!" The other voice yelled.

"Wait what? Who are you talking about?" I asked, panicked. The voices in the shadows laughed even louder. "Don't worry, you'll learn soon enough." The voices said. "Come on, let's finish this". I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

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