楽 - Karaku

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"I will pleasure you until it feels like torture... or perhaps do you prefer it the other way around?"

Before you could even say anything, you found yourself pinned to the wall behind you. You let out an audible gasp as you were caught by surprise, his face only a few inches away from yours and his eyes staring into yours with a mischievous, up-to-no-good kind of look. A devilish smile appeared on his face. You felt your heart pounding against your chest. A rush of blood flooded your cheeks.

"You look adorable when you're flustered like that, you know."

He put his hand onto your red cheeks, gently caressing it with his thumb. You turned your head away and tried to avoid his stare. His gaze was strangely mesmerizing, making your head spin at the slightest eye contact you made with him. He chuckled.

You let ou a groan as he grabbed you by your hair and pulled your head back, making you face him again. He leaned in for a kiss. His lips were moving passionately against yours, not giving you a chance to escape from his grip. Your rationality wanted you to fight back and resist, but you just couldn't deny the fact that the feeling was so good it made your knees weak.

But there was just something about Karaku... Something about the way he was looking you... Something about him that made you feel like he was going for more, much more than just... that.

"Fuck..." you thought to yourself, unable to pull away from his kiss. "What did I just get myself into..."

A smile appeared on Karaku's lips as he sensed you gradually melting away at his touch, his hand now holding onto your waist. As if he were able to read through your thoughts, he whispered into your ear; his breath lightly brushing against your skin sent shivers down your spine.

"Oh sweetie... You're going to see both heaven and hell with me."

Without giving you the time to fully comprehend those words, he wrapped his hand around your neck and tightened his grip, making you choke on your own breath. You felt your heart skip a beat as the blood started to rush to your head. He went in for another kiss, drawing out all of the tiny bit of oxygen that was left in your lungs. You were quite literally suffocating; but that's exactly what he wanted. In fact, he was blissfully savoring every second of it.

He let you go after what felt like an eternity as you fell down onto your knees. Your body was desperate for air. Tears started to flow out of your eyes, obstructing your vision as you coughed uncontrollably.

"You humans are so... brittle... Ah, it pains me to see you suffer like that, you know," he said as he lifted your chin with his hand, wiping the tears on your cheek away with his thumb, "but what can I do... You just look so damn good with that look on your pretty little face."

He grabbed you by your wrists and pinned you down onto the floor, his body leaning over yours as you saw a demonic smile appear on his face.

"What... Do you want... From me..."

"All. I want all of you."

He picked you up from the floor at once and threw you onto the nearby mattress. You landed with a groan as you tried to hold yourself up with your arms.

"Oh sweetheart..." he said with a greedy smile on his face while eyeing you up and down. "If only you knew about all the things I want to do to you..."

He moved his hands alongside your body. Surprisingly, he was very gentle. It was at that moment that you were finally able to get a good look at him. He was rather tall and his body muscular, the melanin in his skin making his muscles look even more defined. You gulped. It was not hard to tell that he'd be able to completely destroy you if he wanted to.

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