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//'Random' Person's Past Perspective

"Is it possible to fly away to a whole new world on a magical carpet?" A small boy asks, holding the unresponsive body of his mother. He looked around and cried for help. "Someone..! Help..!" The boy had some serious injuries himself, he prayed for a hero to save him. His body was trembling as he bleed out. He blearily watched as several knights walked past him. He couldn't understand why they wouldn't help him. Knights were supposed to be the good guys, right? He reached his hand out, realizing that nothing was within his reach.

Even in the present, after all of these years, these feelings of abandonment that the boy felt still linger.


//Back to Akito's perspective

I spent the rest of the day by the kings side, as he proudly ruined our chance of peace. There was no way that the rival kingdom would see that he wasn't a fool after finding out about the king's attempt to change the schedule. There was no way they'd accept... "They accepted my request! How amazing... Well of course I knew they would!" The king exclaimed as a servant spread the word to him. I was in shock. "Can you believe it!? Saki is going to be so happy!" King Tsukasa said prancing around the halls.

"No I can't, sire..." I said my mouth agape. Maybe the rival kingdom were idiots as well... While the king was celebrating like an idiot, a loud crash could be heard from further down the hallway. You could hear Princess Saki scream. I pulled out my sword, emitting a metal clang sound and bolted over to her, the king followed close behind... Well, as close as he could. I paused as soon as I saw her.

She had tears in her eyes, and she was wearing the dress that she was going to wear to the ball. Except... It was ruined now. She slipped on the slick floor and bumped into a vase. Glass water, and dirt was everywhere. I rushed over by her side. "Did are you hurt?" I asked frantically checking her arms for any cuts. King Tsukasa shriveled down by her side like a piece of wet paper. He already had tears in his eyes. I was annoyed at his overreaction.

"Don't mind me! Mind the dress! Now I won't have anything to wear to the ball and it's your fault for not catching me before I fell!" Princess Saki blamed her arms and legs. I was off put by her sudden outburst. "It's okay my sweet sister Akito will get another dress just for you..." The king said, talking for me. "Huh!? Sire with all do respect I couldn't possibly..!" I tried to talk sense into him. "Silence! This dress is a tragedy, and I can't have my beloved sister upset. You will reimburse her for your oversight in two days!" He commanded. I sighed. How was this my fault? "Of course, your highness..." I said, tasting defeat. Annoyed at them both.

I helped Saki up, hesitantly. This was just his life now. The king really was an airhead, he did whatever his sister asked of him... I couldn't blame him though. I looked to the side. I'd do anything to have mine back. I shook my head. That's no excuse for their behavior toward me! Damn them treating me like an errand dog. I worked the rest of my shift tirelessly, never taking my eyes off neither the prince or the princess. By the end of my shift I was exhausted.

Despite this, I still had a dress to obtain. Somehow it had to be something Saki liked and something that is expensive enough to be worn by a princess. I walked through the castle corridors, taking the soiled dress home with me. I didn't make enough to freely buy another dress, and it would never arrive on time. I'd have to fix it myself. I went off to the gate. "Haha! You screwed yourself over again, haven't ya?" An, a fellow knight pointed out. "Dude, shut it!" I said walking through the gate. "I'll cya later ginger!" She said as she closed the gate behind me. I smirked. "Yeah, yeah."

I needed to go to the fabric store, and fast. It was set to be closed soon. I ran to my place to drop off the dress, and then ran off to the store. I arrived a couple minutes before it closed. I ran in and grabbed as much of the pink, orange, red, and yellow fabrics as possible. I figured that if the pink wasn't perfect, maybe one of these colors would work. I rushed over to the register, but before I could make it, I bumped into someone. I dropped all of the rolls of fabrics everywhere and nearly fell to the ground. The person caught me, holding me up by my waist.

"You should be more careful." He said, as he let me go. He looked at me for a second, his face unwavering. "Oh... Uh, my bad." I stumbled on my words. He was handsome, his hair two different colors, blue and navy. The navy strands were perfectly placed across his head, they framed it perfectly. After staring at me for a little, he knelt down and began to pick up the fabrics I had dropped. I bent down to help him. "Thanks..." I said. He didn't reply, he simply laid them on the counter for check out, and left the store. I placed the fabrics in my hand on the counter. I wondered about him. I wondered if I'd see him again.

The cashier looked at me with an all too familiar expression. "Kohane!? I thought you quit..?" I asked as she checked out my items. "Hehe, turns out I still have to provide for my family, my dad feel i'll again." She said softly. Kohane and I became friends a couple years ago when she started working at this place. I visit quite a lot for my own projects and such. I haven't been here in a while due to the ball, and it's preparations. That impulsive king... I have to go through so much because of his stupidity. I clicked my tongue. "Something on your mind?" Kohane asked, tilting her head. I shook my head. "I'm just tired." I shrugged. "Well... Just remember to take care of yourself, alright!" she said smiling sweetly. I laughed. "Yeah, I will when I get the chance!" I said as I took the fabrics home with me.

I felt someone's gaze, I turned to the direction I sensed it coming from, and I saw someone flea. I kept my guard up. Just because my hands were full, that didn't mean my legs weren't. I decided to go home slowly, as to act naturally. I hoped that the person following me would come out of the shadows, thinking I hadn't noticed them. However this never happened. Whoever was spying on me was either a genius or an idiot. It was on,y one way or the other.

I went to my residence and locked the door. I placed the fabrics on my dining table next to the dress. I had nowhere else to put it, as it was huge. I got out my thread and needle and began to work on the dress, until late into the night. I had pricked my fingers a couple times due to my tiredness, so I carefully bandaged them. I decided to stay up a little later, as I was off tomorrow. An had my shift that day. I could use that time to work on the dress and deliver it to the princess the next day...

//Random Person's Perspective

There the same boy stood, now a man in his early twenties. Resentment had flowed through him as he walked down the street l It seemed he was almost caught. That knight really was everything he was said to be. They didn't give him the title of the best for nothing, after all. One day that knight would feel his wrath, all of them would, The man knew that all knights were fakes. None of them saved anyone but themselves. He kicked a rock as he encountered someone. "So what was he like? The legendary prodigy 'Akito'?" A feminine voice asked emptily. The man walked toward her glaring at her. "Better than I thought." The man said as he walked past her. "Hmm..." The woman hummed looking down at the ground with her empty blue eyes.

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