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----Kyoya's POV----

Just another day at the host club, the twins were picking on Tamaki, honey was eating unnatural amounts of cake and mori was as silent as ever. Haruhi was trying to contact someone because of a text she resieved from somone 'and wont let us see'

nothing really seemed of ordinar------

until two bloody girls ran into the room.... Yelling for Haruhi

---------OC'S POV--------

"You got to be kidding me" I say aloud as we come into view of the pink castle like structure. That our sister so happens to attend. worst of all she is on the 3rd floor and we don't know the room.

There was currently a few students outside for lunch. and most must be in the building doing. school stuff.

That's not the real problem, they look like they don't know what is going on, sitting there laughing, acting happy go lucky with no care in the world. I am speechless until I realized a few dead crossing over the road.

I grab lilly and start running to get distance between us and.... them. I yell with every fiber of my being "RUN, GOD PLEASE RUN, DONT SIT THERE AND LOOK AT ME LIKE I'M SOME KIND OF LUNATIC" They still sit there startled and don't move a inch. campus security start coming towered me. Untill they hear another female student yell for help.

'they made it in'

that's all I could think about "GET THE FUCK UP AND OFF YOUR ASSES AND FUCKING RUN" that's all I could say.... all I could do.

We make it to the thired floor and run threw all the doors yelling for our sister. I start to panic since I cant find her, I cry. God I cant help but to cry. im scared, I cant do this. My baby sister. my everything, please, GOD, PLEASE.

the last door we open I see her. "HARUHI" I yell as a drag Lilly. running to her and ingulfing her slightly smaller frame.

I then shove Lilly into her arms, as I stand up straight and run towered the door again I look out and try to listen to the screams.... I hear them.

"shit, shiT, SHIT." I yell as I run towered the couches and push them to the door. Lilly runs from Haruhi's arms and helps me. when we are done. I look back to see 6 boys along with haruhi staring at us like we done lost our minds.

"H-hey big sis what are you and lily doing, you need to calm down, and why do you both have fake blood on your uniform's" Haruhi says in a panic like voice 'She's scared'

"Listen Haruhi i'm only going to say it once so listen carefully, You are to grab your shit and follow me out that window" I grab lillys hand and I walk past them all towered the windows, looking for one with bushes, to at least it breaks our fall.

I let go of lillys hand and grab my baseball bat and was going to break the window till two arms and some one else took the bat.

"Listen lady" one person talked, "we don't know what you are smoking" another one said "but you gotta chill" they both finished. Then they turn me around and I see two twins, one of which is holding my bat. I look for lilly, I see a tall guy with ravin hair have her in his arms, she is kicking and screaming, yelling for me.

I wisper something, the twins both leined in to hear what I said and when they were close. I head butted one and kicked the other in the ball's . This makes them fall, letting me go. I grab my bat and go to the tall dude, he lets lilly go and I grab her. I run to the corner, this makes us trapped as they soon enclosed us. both the twins grabbing where I hurt them.

"L-listen princes lets all just calm down and have a seat over there a-and talk about this" the blond idiot was gonna grab at me when I swung my bat. it only missed him by a cats hair, as the guy with glasses grabbed the blond idiots shirt caller. "Haruhi how about you go get these two lady's some water', he says in a sickly sweet voice.

Haruhi go's to turn around to get some water for us, but before she can even take a step I say her full name "Haruhi Fujioka did you not hear me the first time. G.E.T Y.O.U.R S.H.I.T A.N.D C.O.M.E O.N" This made her visably flinch.

I am tired and scared... and I feel like I am gonna pass out. you could say I was pretty pissed about how my day was going. I grab her hand, and then my body went limp.


Still don't know (O/C'S) name yet HEHEHE ;)

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