i. alamort

18 3 0

sunwoo sat by the beach berm , the wind grazing on his skin tracing all his beautiful features. As he let out a heavy sigh, parting his lips shutting his eye lids as he relaxed his shoulder bones to the sand. Finally feeling calmed after a long day a really long day.  Sunwoo had always loved coming to the beach at midnight , it calmed him down , his nerves , his strained eyes and his hands which were scarred by the exams he has given for whatever reason the world is making him give.

the slow and steady waves during the daytime where currently heavy and quite rough. Although  he had maintained a proper distance the water did come crash his legs once or twice which didn't affect him at all. He was onto his own world , the black hoodie and track-pants he wore  before sneaking out of the house at 12 am where his only source of embrace as he continued listening to the sound of the sea. He had felt all the sand extracted to his hand as he lifted it to brush his bangs and he wasn't frustrated unlike he was in class today , when someone  lost his eraser and he just cursed on their face even though the person had returned a brand new one. This guy does need a lot of  space  ...

He looked upon the sky which was empty unlike rare moments when he could stargaze but due to the polluted earth and weather change it was impossible to look through all the stars. Though he could barely look at any , there was one star which he considered his home, the North Star ; it always stays on its place and never changes. He believed if he can just travel towards the North Star 90 degree towards the earth far from all these trash people and things. But it's beyond possible , so that's what he does every night
Sit by the beach and graze though the midnight . 
he wants to be in never land or magic island or even the North Pole is enough but up at the end of the day he's just a regular adolescent who wants to run away from this world. Will he find someone or something ever who can guide him though the mazes of finding neverland and show him the way cause for him even fighting with the pirates and flying around in the moonlight is enough ,  He just wants to escape this reality.

between his heavy thoughts and exhaustion he hears footsteps "shit I didn't know there was beach curfew today , the weather seems clear" he mummers turing his head from his seated position and he saw a soul , a beautiful one indeed ...
"Who are you"

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