A Gift

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Y/n's POV:
Ever since my arm got severed by that stupid demon I lost all my dreams of becoming a hashira. I don't think I'll be able to fight and slay demons with only one arm. But I'm glad I was saved by a demon slayer. I feel like I should give him a gift for saving my life, but what can I give him? Oh, I know! I can cook something for him! Even though my right arm is gone, I still have the ability to cook with my left one. I could prepare some Tamagoyaki for him. Hope he likes it!

Y/n prepares her small yet delicious meal as a gratitude to Yoriichi. She puts the Tamagoyaki in the wooden bento and took some of her father's help to wrap it with a purple cloth. She put the wrapped bento somewhere safe and went out to look for Yoriichi. She looked around the village but didn't see him. Disappointed, she makes her way to her house when she saw Yoriichi knocking on the door. A smile sparks on her face and she rushes towards Yoriichi.
Y/n: You're finally here!! I thought you won't come.
Yoriichi: You wanted me to come so..I came.
Y/n: Come inside! Come inside!
Yoriichi enters inside Y/n's house and looks around, glancing at everything. Y/n requests him to sit at the porch. The water in the pond glistened by the bright sunlight as fishes jump in the water splashing it in the process. The lilies, the daisies all bloomed. Some big and some small.
Y/n: So..uh..I want to give you something.
Yoriichi: What is it?
Y/n: Well..it's a gift from me to you as you saved my life the other day.
Yoriichi: Thanks, but it's not necessary. It's my duty to save the innocent.
Y/n: Well I thought the thank you wasn't enough so I prepared something for you. Please take it, I insist!
Yoriichi: Okay, if you really want to give me.
Y/n: Great! Let me get it!
Y/n rushes to the kitchen and takes the wrapped bento box and takes it to Yoriichi.
Y/n: Here!
Yoriichi: Thank you.
Yoriichi unwraps the purple cloth. He then opens the wooden bento box to reveal the delicious Tamagoyaki. The smell filled the atmosphere as Yoriichi gets the chopsticks and begins to eat the food. Y/n motions Yoriichi to eat and he takes a bite. The saccharine taste of the Tamagoyaki made his mouth water. He couldn't stop complimenting on how good it tasted. The brocoli and other vegetables made it taste two times tastier.
Y/n: So do you like it?
Yoriichi: It's so good! You cook so flawlessly. This Tamagoyaki is so scrumptious.
Y/n: Glad you liked it! If you want to you can just come stop by to eat more! Hehe!
Yoriichi: You didn't have to do this but thank you. Thank you so much.
Y/n: Welcome! Heh!
Yoriichi munched on the food as Y/n just stared at his cuteness. She couldn't help but blush a little. Yoriichi finished all the Tamagoyaki.
Y/n: Would you like some tea?
Yoriichi: Ofcourse.
Y/n: Okay! I'll prepare some tea for you!
While Y/n prepares some tea Yoriichi finishes eating all the food.
Y/n: Here you go!
Yoriichi: Thanks, again!
He sips the hot tea Y/n made for him. The cold breeze hits their cheeks sending slight shivers. The aura was serene as the birds chirped and the fishes jumped.
Y/n: I would like to get to know more about you and maybe become friends with you!
Yoriichi: I would like to know more about you too.
Y/n and Yoriichi talk to eachother for a long time. Although this is the second time meeting eachother they feel like they've known eachother for so long. They both felt comfortable with eachother.
Yoriichi: I have to go now.
Y/n: Oh..will you come again tomorrow?
Yoriichi: I would like to visit you everyday at this timing if you're fine with it.
Y/n: I'm totally okay! I would like to spend time with you too!
Yoriichi: Glad to hear. K bye!
Y/n: Bye!

My Only Sunshine [Yoriichi X Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora