Cute Like Peke-J

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The day after, Baji, Chifuyu, and Ryusei were at Chifuyu's house to play with Peke-J.

Chifuyu immediately got excited as soon as he saw his little friend casually licking his butthole on the counter (he's a cat, duh!)

Ryusei chuckled softly at that scenery while Baji approached the cat to pet it along with his friend. The three of them petted Peke J and bonded over it.

"Thinking of," Ryusei started, "Don't you think Ronaldin- I mean, Peke J looks like Baji?" He said.

"No, he doesn't!" Baji objects

Chifuyu held Peke J up and laughed a little.
"He DOES look like Baji!" He laughs a little.

"How do I even LOOK like this cat???" Baji asked, slightly annoyed.

"I mean, you just have this personality! Plus, your hair is black!" Ryusei teases him.

"How does my hair color have to do with anything??" Baji sighs.

After a little bit of silence, Ryusei adds. "Do you know who peke J also looks like?" He asks with a mischievous smirk. "Chifuyu, 'cause he's soooo cute!"

And with that, Ryusei got smacked in the face the way Saitama one punches his enemies but it's right in the face by Chifuyu. The guy was smacked so hard it left a mark on his cheek that it would last for about three weeks and a day, and it'll probably leave him paralyzed right mow for about 3.56 seconds.

Baji tries to hold himself from laughing since he's trying to keep his serious demeanor on. Chifuyu, angered for a while, keeps clenching his godly, powerful fist that just punched his future boyfriend.

"Chifuyu?" Ryusei asks with a pained tone since he probably lost a tooth.
–"Aren't you gonna ask if I'm okay? Or maybe kiss my cheek to heal my-"

"Say that one more time, I dare you." Chifuyu interrupted with a sinister and angered tone.

–"Dam bro, that's so out of character, bahaha!" Ryusei laughs.
–"Aren't you supposed to be all cute and loyal?"

–"Take that back, Ryusei!"

–"It's MISTER Ryusei!"

(an obvious HxH reference, I'm sorry)

–"SHUT UP!!!!"

The two were fighting and bickering like an old married couple.
The imagery of Chifuyu being really annoyed and frustrated at Ryusei was teasing and borderline flirting with him, especially to the calm yet entertained Baji, who was left out along with the black cat who was sitting on his lap.

In the end, Chifuyu had to push the laughing Ryusei out of his house and come back to Baji.

"Ugghhhh! That guy is so annoying!" The blond grunts in frustration.

"Really? I thought you were having a lot of fun there..." The smug Baji who was sitting on the bed with Peke J.

"No way! He's such an idiot, and he's always calling me cute and pretty! I don't care if he's just doing this to piss me off, He's gotta STOP!!"

Chifuyu yells out, his cheeks turning pinker and his tone becoming more low when he says the words "cute" or "pretty"

"I dunno dude.. If it was me who was called cute, I wouldn't mind.. Even if it was a guy."

–"Nah man! That's gross and GAY! A guy shouldn't be calling another guy cute!"

–"Really? You would seriously mind that, cutie?"

Chifuyu just winces his eyes and says nothing, which is different to his reactions to Ryusei's words.

–"Huh? You're not saying anything?"


–"Ehh? Why is that? So you only get flustered from Ryusei calling you cute???"

–"What???? No way dude! That guy is cocky and stupid, and annoying, and..!"

Chifuyu takes a moment before his face gets completely red from the idea that Ryusei has this certain effect on him.

He then looks at the time.

"Uhh Baji? Isn't it time to go back home now? Your mom might be worried!" He says nervously, making up an excuse.

"Oh my god!" Baji gasps and gets up, making Peke J startled.
"I shouldn't make my mom worry or get mad!"
The human's catlike instincts were at its peak as he immediate got his stuff, rushed to say goodbye to Chifuyu's mom and ran back home.

Chifuyu chuckles. His friends were so silly...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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