Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

She nods. "What are best friends for? And if anyone deserves a break, it's you. You work way to many hours to not deserve some break time with your boyfriend."

"Now, are you just saying that? Because I feel like you're mocking me." I question, skeptically.

"No. But that new boy toy of yours is really hot! How did you manage to keep it a secret? You know, since he's like a millionaire and everything..." Her voice trails off, and I shake my head as she sighs dramatically. "I'm lonely Grace..."

I give her a sympathetic look. "I know, you are. But then again, there's always Hayden..."

Her nose scrunches up, but I could see the amusement in her eyes. "Are you, Grace Thompson, saying I should shag with Hayden Green? Your assistant of all people?"

I shrug. "I'm just saying, it wouldn't hurt. Besides, the guy looks at like you're the sun."

"And all this time I thought you were just this innocent butterfly!" She hisses playfully, smirking at me.

"So, then I guess you don't want to hear about how good of kisser Will is then? Because if not, I can just go back and sulk about Frederick?" I ask and her eyes widen and she shakes her head.

"Oh no, honey. I need all the details!"


The TV in living area played music, there's a glass of wine sitting on the glass coffee table, and my laptop resting on my lap. Currently catching up on some very important emails that read 'URGENT!!', I sat on the couch in a pair of leggings and one of Will's t-shirts that I had stolen out of the closet earlier after taking a shower.

The Skype call with Kimberly ended after two hours of just constant gossiping, which I didn't know I miss so much. I had finally taken the time to organize my stuff and hang my clothes up in the closet after ten minutes at just staring at my suitcase. Somewhere in the back of my head I knew Will was probably going to say something about when he saw what I had done.

Suddenly, the door to the Suite opens and closes with a creak and I turn my head just in time to see a very tired Will walk into my line of vision. I see him shrug off his suit jacket and place it on the chair once he's in the living area. His shoes are still on, and his pants are wrinkled and he loosening his white button up as he's about to take it off. He struggles with the tie, and I wonder if he's just going to strip right here.

"Need some help with that?" I ask him as I place my laptop on the seat beside me and stand up.

He nods, sheepishly. "Yes, please."

He sounds like a kid at this very moment, and I try to hold back an amused smile as I reach up and put my hands on the tie. Slowly, I undo it, taking my sweet time for some reason as I get the knot at the top to come loose and then it falls apart. I keep like that and then pat his shoulders.

Without thinking I ask, "What do you like better: Wace or Grill?"

He looks down at me, confused. "What?"

I let a huff of air instead of a laugh. "Nothing. It's just something Kimberly said."

"Kimberly? You're talking about Kimberly from your work place, right?" He asks, and I nod. "I'm going to guess you talk to her today. How did that go?"

It surprised me at the genuine interest that was in his voice when he asked, and I have to look at with an eyebrow raised.

"You really want to know?"

He shrugs. "Yeah, why not. You met Jordan, and didn't kill him for being an ass, so it's only fair if I get to hear about your friends."

I give him a wide smile, trying to hide my excitement. "Well, it started out okay until she told me about how Frederick - my boss - is sick, and it retiring. And then, she gave me a lecture about how bad of a friend I'm being for not being work and spending more time with you."

I hadn't meant for the conversation to take a turn for the worst, but it had and I couldn't take it back. Will's lips become pursed and he runs his hand down my arm and to my hand and I suddenly the room drops to what felt like zero below and I shiver. He catches onto this, but instead of flashing me his playboy smirk he gives me a look of concern.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

I shrug, my eyebrows scrunching up as my eyes begin to sting. "If I said I was fine, would you believe it?"

He shakes his head, taking his arms and wrapping them around my waist. "No, I wouldn't. So, are you? Okay, I mean."

"I honestly I don't know. I've seen everyone of my family member's die, so death shouldn't bother me, but Mr. Harris - Frederick, worked alongside my father. When he died, Frederick became someone I depended on for everything. He was my surrogate father in a way." I explain to him and he pulls me closer so my head falls onto his chest.

"It's okay to be sad, to not be strong." He tells me and I shut my eyes as I lean my forehead against his chest.

Tears start to well in my eyes and I mumble, "I want to cry. But I don't want to at the same time."

"Cry, don't cry. Do as you may, but I'll still be here if you need someone to talk too."

"Thank you, Will, for everything."

"You're welcome. And Grace, I pick Wace."

This is a filler. I hope you all like it. For their ship name, I really like Grill because it's sounds cool and it's unique. But I also like Wace, but I can't decide.

If any of you have suggestions on what should happen next, please share.

~xoxo Alexa

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