Declined Invitation

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The next day in school, Adam approached Chloe.

"Hey Chloe, vacation's near and I want to spend more time with you." Adam said to Chloe.

"Sure Adam, see you at lunch." Chloe replied as the bell rang.

And so Chloe and Adam hang out and they were inseparable, and everytime, Adam would bring her red tulips.

They would hang out after class, during lunch, even in weekends.

Prom day came and Adam went at Chloe's house.

♪Ding dong♪ he rang the doorbell.

"Uhh, Lady Johnson, may I take your niece Chloe to prom?" Adam asked Chloe's aunt.

Her name is "Mary Johnson", also know as "Lady Johnson".

She is a sister of Chloe's father, a business woman, and the person that's helping Chloe at high school.

"You must be Adam the fish boy" Lady Johnson muttered.

"With all do respect, my family does live in the coastal area but we are not fishermen, we're artist" Adam replied.

"It doesn't matter because you can not take her to prom tonight." Lady Johnson said.

"Why can't I?" Adam asked nervously.

"Like I said, you can not, I didn't say you may not." Lady Johnson answered.

"But that still doesn't answer my question." Adam added in a slightly strong tone of voice.

"To not hurt you, I'll say that the flower has already been picked by a young gentleman." Lady Johnson answered.

Adam gasps, slightly shivered, loosening the grip on the bouquet tulips that he would've given her.

"T-thanks for your time Lady Johnson." Adam wave goodbye.

"Bye dear." Lady Johnson said and shut the door close.

Even after the revelation of painful betrayal, Adam still chose to go to the prom alone.

"Shhhh" it started raining.

Adam waited for a bus under a street light, cold and wet, he whispered to himself.

"I loved her."

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