La vida es un carnaval... a veces

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A/n: okay so I just wanna say some things:

1. Thank you for all the votes. I really  appreciate it sm like truly<3

2. I'm sorry for not posting as often but I just started my summer class and things got hectic again but I won't let it stop me from writing.

3. This chapter is MUCH longer than any of other ones and I did it as an apology for taking so long so I hope y'all like it!! Also SO sorry for any and all typos:(

4. You're Latina in this because I am and I just reallyyyy wanted to do it. But don't worry if I use any Spanish I'll try my best to translate it right beside the Spanish for my non-Spanish speaking readers. So with all this being said enjoy the chapter<33


Before I had time to explain, I was thrown into the office, and she immediately grabbed my jaw forcing me to look at her. "What exactly do you think you're doing young lady? You're supposed to be in your dorm."

"I-I'm sorry Principal Weems I just came back to get my uniform. I wasn't trying to do anything bad I swear." I had never seen her face look this angry before. But that face of anger quickly faded into something else I couldn't read. Seeing her like this made me feel something I couldn't quite understand, and I mindlessly squeezed my legs together. "Oh really? Because it seems like you were intentionally disobeying direct orders." "No ma'am I promise I wasn't I- "

"I don't want to hear it." Her face got dangerously close to mine. So close that I could feel her breath on my already hot skin. My breathing quickened and legs started to feel like jelly. "It looks like a punishment is an order." I gulped not knowing if I was going to regret this next question. "What kind of punishment?" Her grip on face loosened and her knuckles came to caress my face. Her lips turned into an odd smile before she told me to follow her.

She beckoned me towards her desk and instructed me to sit. She made her way to the other side and sat down. I couldn't bear to look her in her eyes. I was scared that I had already screwed up and school hadn't even started. My mother was gonna kill me I was sure of it. I knew I was a good for nothing student, daughter, person. I can feel the tears in my eyes breaking to fall and litter my face. My hands are shaking, and my breathing is shallow. Before I can get further into my pit of despair, a soft voice broke me from my trance.

"Y/n dear, look at me." Her tone was soft and gentle. I think she could tell from my state that I was fragile. I slowly lifted my head to meet her gaze. I wasn't met with same woman just a minute ago. Her face was soft, and her eyes were etched in concern.

"Hey, it's okay sweetie. You're safe and I promise you nothing bad is going to happen to you." Your demeanor doesn't relax a while but just enough to allow to fully breathe. She notices your easiness and makes her way towards you. She squats down to your eye level and holds your hand between both of hers.

"Look I'm sorry for the way I reacted at first. I was completely out of line and should've known better." You look her in her eyes finally being able to relax. "It's okay. I shouldn't have been out past hours like you said. I- I really didn't me-"

"No no no it's okay. I understand what you were doing. You just frightened me a bit, I didn't know who was out there. But since you're here I'll go ahead and give you your uniform now hmm. Wait right here dear. I'll be just a moment." She stood up and made her way towards a set of doors towards the right of us. Once the doors close, I released a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2023 ⏰

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