"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"A bit better." She said.

She cuddled up to me, and fell asleep.

I smiled, closed my eyes and fell asleep as well


I'm walking in school, with Maxine still being upset. She has been dragging me around with her.

I haven't been able to see or talk to Marcus. I miss him.

"Can somebody help me with her?" Norah said.

I sat down on the floor and Maxine sat on my lap. 

"OK." Maxine said. "Don't make it look like you're looking but look at Sophie, and tell if she's looking at me, OK? Look." 

We looked and made it obvious we were looking.

"Yeah, I'd say she's definitely not looking." Ginny said.

"Yup. We told her the same thing." Norah said.

"I'm the most unlovable human being on the planet. If people were running down the street, and I was stuck in a pothole, and there was a tsunami coming, they'd leave me to die." Maxine said.

"Are they running from the tsunami? That would be understandable." Abby said.

"You're not unlovable. We love you." Ginny said.

"I don't care if you guys love me! I want Sophie to love me." Maxine said.

She was like this all of gym." Norah said. "She said she couldn't climb the rope
because of emotional duress." 

"I couldn't climb the rope because of emotional duress! God." Maxine said. "I'm triggered." 

Maxine laid against my chest. I gently rubbed her shoulder. 

"Aww. It's OK." I said, kissing her head.

"I feel very much loved by you, Y/n." Maxine said.

"What about us?" Abby said.

"I love you three as well." Maxine said. "But, she's going to be my sister-in-law in the future, but right now, she's like my mom." 

"Yeah, I kinda agree. You're like our mom, Y/n." Abby said.

"Really? How come?" Ginny asked.

"She has this motherly vibe with her. Whenever we have problems, we go to her first. She's very supportive. AND, even little kids like her." Norah said. "You should have seen her at the park. We were at the swings and a kid got lost. We ignored him, but he came up to Y/n. She just picked him up and he stopped crying. She like, a natural born mother." 

"Wait, but did the kid get to his parents?" Ginny asked.

"Oh. Yeah. When his parents saw him on Y/n arms, they were relieved and thank her." Abby said.

"I was kinda jealous of that kid, he got to be held and carried by Y/n."Maxine said.

"You're being held right now." Abby said.

We laughed.

We got up and left for class. I dropped Maxine off her class and I went mine.


After school, I went to the Baker's house. I knocked on the door.

Marcus opened the door.

"Hey there stranger. Haven't see you all day." He said, smiling.

"I know, Maxine was dragging me everywhere." I said.

He let me in, but when he closed the door, he pinned me to the door and kissed me passionately, yet lustfully.

Disloyal or Betrayed || Marcus BakerΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα