Kiss it Better

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3:23 am.

It was 3:23am while you sat on your couch, knees up to your chest... staring at the front door . Where the hell did he go? Everything was normal, you'd both gone to bed- hell, you fell asleep in his arms. So where the hell was your boyfriend...?

You wiped the tears that were silently flowing down your face. You've done everything for him; you've gone against your parents to be with him, you moved to Nueva York with him, you loved him. You couldn't fathom why he would do this to you.

Was she prettier? Where did he meet her? Did he love her?

You groaned and pulled at your hair, "Que mierda...". You sighed and sat up correctly, turning to look at the clock that showed it had been ten minutes since you last looked at it. "Bueno, I'm craving some ramen. No other way to drown in my sorrows over my boyfriend who's probably cheating on me.", you spoke to yourself. You felt like an idiot- talking to yourself as a way to cope.

You made your way to your kitchen with the little will you had and searched for the ingredients you needed. Miguel would chew you out for eating ramen at 3 in the morning... "Y/n, mi amor, tú sabes que that's not good for you. Eating this late will not do you any good."... is what he would say.

But fuck him.

He was out doing god knows what with god knows who, so you didn't care.

You watched as the ramen slowly cooked, the frown sewn onto your face. That's when you heard it; your window. The window in the living room was opening and you felt your heart drop. You silently opened the drawer and reached for a knife before tip-toeing to the living room.

You saw a tall, dark figure and you put your knife by your side, taking a deep breath in before quickly switching the lights on. "Mig-", you cut yourself off with a gasp, "Spider-man ?!", your jaw fell. The masked hero turned to you, his eyes showing his shock. He stuttered, "What the hell are you doing in my apartment ?!", you yelled. You got closer to him, still maintaining a bit of distance however, waving your knife around.

His hands shot up and he tried to calm you down, "Hey hey hey, stop! Put the knife down...". "Why are you in my home?", you sighed. The hero sighed, pulling his mask off.


Your expression softened, a mix of shock and relief taking over. A million thoughts ran through your head, and you couldn't focus on a single one.

"It's me, amor, no te preocupes...", Miguel reassured you as he walked over to you. You hadn't realized your mouth was wide opened until you felt it run dry in which you closed it. He stood before you with a beat up face and a worried expression. "You... you're... you're Spider-Man..?", is all you could muster as you looked up at him and felt him take the knife that was still in your hand.

He grabbed you by the shoulders and sat you down on the couch before squatting in front of you with your hands in his. "Yes, I am... and I wanted to tell you pero... no sabía cómo.", he spoke softly. You felt your eyes water for whatever reason, you always hated that about yourself. Every emotion made you cry.

You were angry ? You cried. You were happy? You cried. You were sad? Obviously you cried.

He frowned and brought a hand to your cheek, "I'm so sorry I scared you coming back in.", he quickly apologized before pausing. "But... why were you even up?", he questioned. You sniffled and scoffed at your boyfriend, "Because Miguel, I woke up in the middle of the night and you were fucking gone!", you took your hands out of his and pointed at him, "I didn't even know what to fucking think, Miguel. I was worried about you, damn it! I tho-". You felt yourself getting choked up, "I thought you were cheating on me, pinche pendejo.".

Miguel's eyes widen, "Y/n, I would never do that to you... ¿Como puedes pensar en algo así?", he asked as his face flushed in sadness. "What the hell else was I supposed to think?! I would've never thought you were god damn Spider-man. Do you know how delusional I would theoretically have to be to jump to that conclusion?!", you ranted. A small smile appeared on his face. You grunted, "Don't laugh! There is nothing to even smile about.", you pointed towards him again.

He sighed as his eyes softened, "I know, corazón, I'm sorry I worried you. I'm sorry I scared you, I'm sorry I kept this from you... you have every right to be angry with me.", he apologized. You sighed and placed your hand on his cheek, "You're right, I do. But I'm not angry with you, my love. I just... tenía ansiedad.", you frowned. He held your hand that was on his cheek, "Lo lamento tanto, mi vida. I promise you, I'll tell you everything you want to know.", he reassured you.

"I just don't want any secrets between us, Miguel. Especially not something so fucking huge. You're Spider-Man... do you know how insane that is?", you half-smiled. He gave you a small smile, "Yeah, I know... sometimes I can't believe it either.". The two of you laughed as you held one another, before your gaze softened. "You're all beat up, honey... and I've seen you on the news.", you pause, looking down and your feet, "There were so many times I could've lost you, Miguel.".

You felt his hand snake up to your cheek and you met his eyes as he rest his forehead on yours, "I'm not going anywhere, as long as I know you're waiting for me at home, I'm always coming back to you.", your boyfriend said as he looked into your eyes.

Once again, your eyes began to water before Miguel pulled you into a tender kiss. A kiss that told you everything that mattered, he was okay, you were okay, you both were okay. You leaned into one another as one of his hands stayed on your cheek while the other laid on your waist. You wrapped your arms around his neck before you both pulled away.

"Te amo mas que nada, Y/n.", he said as he looked at you, caressing your face. "And I love you, Miguel.", you smiled at him.

"Also, babe, something smells weird.", Miguel said with a scrunched up face. Your eyes widen, "Shit...", you said before gettin up and running over to the kitchen only to be followed by your boyfriend. You turned off the stove and uncovered your soggy ramen that stuck to the bottom of the pot. A frown covered your face as you heard Miguel suck his teeth behind you. You turned to find him with both his hands on his waist.

"What have I told you about eating heavy foods in the middle of the night, Y/n?", he scolded you. You rolled your eyes.

"No es bueno para tu salud.", you both said in unison.


A/n: hope you guys liked it, I didn't wanna hop into full on fucking first chapter 😭😭 but anywho leave some advice and requests if your hearts desire lol.

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