Announcement: Website Coming Soon!

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June 14, 2023: I'm going to try running a website for the Five Fangs series. You can check out a preview at 

There's not much on it yet, but you can take a survey to give me ideas of what to stock in the gift shop! My plan is to do a couple of bonus scenes that readers have suggested and post them there. I want to finish writing Thoreau first, though, so it will be a while!

Also, I now have a Twitter account! Follow me (at sign)MaryAnnWeir

Request: If you see someone publishing Posy under their name, post a comment and remind them that they are thieves. I only have the book on Wattpad and Amazon and that is how I will keep it. (If anyone wants to help a girl out and post a nice review on Amazon, I'd be grateful! Some commentators have left negative remarks, so it boosts me up to see positive reviews!)

For your amusement, here are a couple of things I've designed while playing with the website. They're not the best because I have to work with free clipart - unlike Wyatt, I am not an artist! - but they were fun to make!

1. Can you figure out the order in which the alphas are standing?? They are perfectly scaled as I found an online height comparison tool!

 Can you figure out the order in which the alphas are standing?? They are perfectly scaled as I found an online height comparison tool!

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2. Our wolf boys and little Lark! I think the scale is off on this one. Maybe I'll find time to go back and adjust it.

 Maybe I'll find time to go back and adjust it

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3. This is what the online height generator does. I  wish you could pick different avatars for each character, but still, very cool to get a visual. Look at tiny Posy!!

 Look at tiny Posy!!

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