"Hey uh, do you speak English?"

The woman looked up, i bit surprised. She looked Techno up and down for a second, it was quite a sight to see, a pink haired pig man im a crowd full of dead. Here in Asgard. She gave a small nod.

"A little" she mumbled, her accent wasn't thick. But you could still hear it.

"Neat, listen. This is gonna sound weird, but have you seen or heard anything about a horse.. light brown, wearing diamond armor?" Techno asked, feeling the back of his neck heat up, damn this was embarrassing to ask.

The woman raised a brow, "i don't-.. well!.. actually." She cut herself off, suddenly remembering. "Odin actually got a new horse.. Sleipnirr."

Techno raised a brow, biting the inside of his cheek. Great, his horse got sold to someone, all these names Techno has heard before but Techno still hasn't met yet. Right, that reminded him, atreus said something about a drunk guy names 'Thor' huh. And wasn't Odin that nice old guy? Techno's adhd was really messing with his memory, or maybe it wasn't his adhd at all, and he's just incredibly forgetful.

Nevertheless, if Techno is correct, and the horse was sold to Odin, Odin wouldn't mind giving it back right?

"Thor brought a horse in today"

Techno's ear flicked, again. The name Thor. "I see, and where can I find this.. Thor guy?" Techno decided to ask, the woman raised a brow again, but soon answered. "I think he's a little in the back, tall redhead. You can't miss him, he always has a crowd around him."

Techno gave a small nod, he thanked the woman. Giving her a small gold tip as thanks, and walked deeper into the tavern, and after a brief look around. Techno soon understood what she meant by 'tall', this man was massive. Long red hair, and a hammer laid beside him, but even though this man screamed nothing besides danger. Techno didn't feel fear, just caution. Techno watched the man drink a large cup, but the cup seemed small in his hands. As the crowd cheered his name, Techno's nose scrunched up, Thor reeked of alcohol, sweat, blood and vomit.

Techno didn't mind the smell of blood and alcohol, but right now it just smells disgusting. Techno inhaled sharply, and walked towards the table in a calm manner, but stopped when he noticed Thor reaching for his hammer.

"If you've come to challenge me, I ain't in the mood. So just waddle your pink ass out of here." Thor grumbled, his voice was slightly slow and slurred. But still spoke clearly in a threatening tone, Techno paused, his brows furrowing. But he soon cracked a small smile. "Fight you? Nah, nah. I just want an autograph." Techno reached into his pocket, taking out the note Thor left at his house, and slamming it on the table. Thor raised a brow, looking down at it.

Thor soon recognized the writing, and let out a loud booming laugh that could almost shake the entire building. "So that's why you're here? All for a stupid horse?"

"I don't wanna fight you, just-"

It didn't take long till the hammer connected with Techno's chest, techno flew through the wooden wall, landing somewhere outside, rolling a good few feet before coming to a stop. As his entire body ached, Techno laid on the ground, on his back for a couple of seconds, until the weight of the hammer slowly disappeared. The hammer flew back into Thor's hand, who walked through the hole Techno's body made.

Techno's mind raced, a little dazed by the sudden attack. The voices screamed, making Techno's body fill with rage, Techno took out the dagger that hid in his boot. "Thought you didn't wanna fight!" Techno said annoyed.

"You're just very persuasive." Thor grumbled, he was ready to stiks. When a loud annoyed voice made him stop.


A young girl, with long poofed up red hair and tattoos looked incredibly annoyed, as her arms were crossed, glaring lighty at Thor. "Seriously?? Another bar fight?!"


"Don't you dare."

Next to the girl was Atreus, Techno was kinda glad the fight got broken up. He's been wanting to stay clean from blood, but the voices were not happy with this at all. Techno sighed. Sheathing his dagger, half listening to the dad and daughter argue.

"I see you've met thor.." Atreus mumbled

"Seems like a nice guy." Techno chuckled softly, walking closer to Atreus, distancing himself from Thor. "You were right, he did take Carl."

Atreus nodded softly, "yeah i asked Odin about it."

"I told you not too."

Atreus pouted his lip a little, making Techno snort softly.

"What did he say?" Techno asked, Atreus paused, clearing his throat. "I know where to find Carl.. but.. slight problem. I'll show you."

"Hold on-" Techno quickly ran into the tavern to fetch his weapons, after receiving them. And paying for the damage to the wall, Techno followed Atreus to Odin's garden. Odin had his own little garden where he kept his own pets and exotic animals. Techno looked around, it was a beautiful garden. But his eyes quickly widened when seeing what was wrong with Carl.

Fight of all.. Carl's diamond armor was gone.

And second of all, Carl had 8 legs.

Happy RagnarokNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ