Tapping the Rudder Part 76

Start from the beginning

"Go under there. Under there," JJ whispered, crawling after John B.

"Come on. Scoot!" John B whispered.

"You two are fucking idiots," Coral hissed crabwalking back into the dark hallway as John B and JJ squished themselves under the side table in the kitchen.

"All right, John B, I know you're in there!" Shoupe called, knocking on the door, "Coralina! JJ! I'm sure you're both in there too!"

"If he sees you, that's game over," JJ whispered.

"Shut up!"

"I know you can hear me in there! You need to come out and talk to me! It'll be a whole lot worse if you don't!" Shoupe called, "Okey, doke, have it your way! You know where you can find me!"

Listening as the sheriff got back in his car and started the engine, they waited till they heard the sounds of gravel crunching under the tires before moving, "All right. Let's peel. Come on. Go," John B said, shoving JJ out from under the table.

"All right. I got a plan, all right?" JJ said, getting to his feet, "I think it might work. It's a little sketchy. Might not like it, but I think it will work," he said as Coral came back into the kitchen and John B stood up.

"No, no, no, no. Wait, wait, wait. What plan?" John B asked.

"If I tell you right now when the plan is half baked, you'll get all negative."

"Look, I'd settle for a quarter baked plan," John B retorted.

Making a whining noise, JJ flapped his hand at John B before grabbing his plate of eggs and Coral's hand leading her out of the house.

"Don't you dare make that noise at me!" John B called following them through the house and outside to the Twinkie.

"Listen, as much as I love JJ's half baked plans I'm gonna sit this one out," Coral announced, pulling her hand out of JJ's.


"Baby Girl?"

"When was the last time anyone talked to Pope? Someone needs to check on him since he's not answering texts or calls. Plus, I can't deal with the two of you today, not after last night."


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"No," she interrupted, holding up her hand, "I get it, okay, if it was JJ," she trailed off, looking at the blonde, "Well suffice it to say I'd lose my shit too," she told her brother, "But I'm still irritated, so, I'm gonna go check on Pope, maybe swing by Kie's and try and do damage control."

"Irritated," JJ nodded, "I can work with irritated," he said before looking at John B, "It's when she's angry you gotta be afraid," he stage whispered to him.

Rolling her eyes, she yanked the door to the Twinkie open, "Drop me off at Haywards," she said, climbing up into the passenger seat.

"Hi Mr. Hayward," Coral greeted walking into the store.

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