She was taken into the labor room, while I sat outside waiting for her. I called the office and told them that I could not come today. I kept reciting Surahs and made Dua constantly, "Ya Allah, Ya Rehman, You are the Giver of life. Let Aisha and my child be okay. Ya Allah help Aisha in this difficult time and make it easy for her. Keep her under Your Protection Ya Allah; she is in great need of Your help."

When I could no longer handle the anxiety, I got up, made Wudhu and went into the prayer room to pray. I kept praying nawafil, and felt some peace in my heart.

About five minutes after I had gone back to the waiting room, a nurse came out and called my name. My heart clenched in my chest as I got up. I don't remember how I walked towards her, or what the nurse was saying, I just remember the world fading around me, an overwhelming silence enveloping me as I looked down at my daughter. I couldn't hear anything around me or see anything beside her beautiful face. She was wrapped in a pink shawl, the same shade as her cheeks. She had her eyes closed and as I stroked her cheek with my finger, her soft pink lips parted slightly and she moved her head a little, her eyes still shut. Her hands were closed and when I tried to open them, she wrapped her fingers around my fingers tightly. I was over overwhelmed with emotions so strong; I never knew could even exist. I kissed her forehead gently as a few tears escaped my eyes. As they fell on her eyes, she closed her eyes more tightly, and wrinkled her forehead, just like Aisha had done just this morning. I laughed lightly. I held her close to me. She was my greatest treasure, my most prized possession. I felt like someone had torn my heart into two pieces, and one piece was in my arms right now, sleeping peacefully. I recited Alhamdulillah a few times, and looked up at the nurse.

"How is my wife?" I asked getting concerned about her.

"She is completely fine. We'll be shifting her in the ward in ten minutes, and then you can meet her."

"Thank you," I replied to her. She extended her hands to take my girl from me. "She needs to go through a complete check and also she needs a bath."

I felt annoyed. I had just held her for five minutes, and she wanted to take her away from me. I hesitated. "It won't take long," she said understandingly.

I nodded. I kissed her soft cheek and gave her to the nurse.

Aisha had been shifted to the ward, and I hurriedly went to see her. I was almost running not caring what people thought about me.

She had her eyes closed, and as I held her hand, she opened them.

I bent down to kiss her forehead, and then both her cheeks. She giggled happily.

"Did you see her?" She asked. I nodded. "She is adorable. I have never seen something so beautiful and pure and precious." She smiled lovingly, her eyes beaming happily, as a tear escaped her eye. I wiped her tear with my thumb. "I'll just go and pray two Rakahs. I'll be back soon. You just rest a little," I kissed her hand and left.

When I came back, there was a tiny cot next to Aisha's bed and my daughter lay inside her. "Assalam u alaikum Maryam, "I said and picked her up gently.

"Maryam. I like it."Aisha said looking at us lovingly.

"Do you want to hold my daughter?" I asked her.

"Yes I would love to hold your daughter," she said laughing lightly.

I helped her up in a sitting position and adjusted the pillow behind her.

She took Maryam in her arms and kissed both her cheeks a couple of times.

A tear escaped her eye, as she whispered an Alhamdulillah.

"She has such soft skin," she exclaimed.

I wiped the tear from her cheek, "just like yours," I said.

I sat down on the bed with her, and kissed the cheek of my wife and then of my daughter.

I couldn't stop smiling. It felt like this smile of happiness, pleasure and pure bliss had been pasted on my face and it wasn't going to be removed that soon.

I put an arm around my wife's shoulder holding her close, while my other hand cupped the face of my little girl.

I couldn't have been happier.

Assalam u alaikum readers!

I have been really really really really late in updating and i sincerely apologise for that. I have been really busy with my board exams and now the entry test preparation (Pray that i get into the university of my dreams, InshaAllah.) This is the end of the book. It was the last chapter. I hope you liked it. Do vote, comment and share. It had been a great journey with this book and i hope you enjoyed it too. I love you all so much for reading it and appreciating greatly.

P.s The dedication goes out to my sister, who has been a great support in everything I ever did. Love you sis! Go try out her books too! ;)

Allah Hafiz everyone! May Allah bless all of you and keep you all happy and in the best of health. Ameen!

Another one from me
Death over disgrace

Echoes Of The HeartOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz