As the sene unfolded in front of her, Ryoko's eyes suddenly did a very weird and kinda creepy thing: they started darting around, but each one wasn't looking in the same direction, unless they happened to cross for a moment. This only lasted for a few seconds before she blinked and they were back to normal. 

"So, Iruma-Chan and Akamatsu-Chan, sorry if I've read this entire situation wrong, are you two dating?" She asked, bringing both girls' attention back to her. "Why yes, we are!" Kaede happily said. "Not just dating, we're also fu-" Miu started but Rantaro had somehow leaned over the table to put his hand over her mouth, "Don't curse Miu, the Warriors of Hope minus the Pickle Demon are at the table behind you." "Ah, fu-freaking damn- er- dang it!" "... we seriously need to get you some help on your swearing, Miu."

"If I may know for future reference," Ryoko said, changing the subject, "Is anyone else at this table in a relationship?" Rantaro couldn't help but smile, "Actually, me and Shinguji here are dating. Oma on the onther hand can't seem to get someone he likes to stay for even a minute." I scoffed at this remark, "I have no idea what you're talking about, Amami-Chan! I just happen to have high standards no one can meet." "Uh huh, sure."

"Why do you ask, Ryoko-San? You interested in someone here?" I teased. "No, just want to know so I can add it to my book," she replied, holding up the book I mentioned earlier. On the page she had open as a quick but accurate doodle of Kaede with all the things she had mentioned. "I have terrible memory, and sometimes it'll just go blank on me, so I write it down here so I don't forget," she said before looking me in the eyes, "And just so you know, I'm straight and you're gay, so we can't really date anyway." I couldn't help but sputter a bit, "H-How the heck did you figure that one out?" "I'm the Ultimate Analyst, remember?"

Miu had burst out into laughter, hurting poor Kaede's ears. "Miu, could you please quiet down? My eardrum is bleeding..." "Ah, sorry babe!" Miu said, squeezing her girlfriend a bit. "Anyway, I think our lunch break is over now, shouldn't we clean up can check back in?" Rantaro said, grabbing his tray with one hand and helping his boyfriend up with the other. "Can you all take care of the trays, I want to talk to Oma-Kun for a moment," Ryoko interrupted just as I was about to get up. "Ah, alright," Kaede said as she took my empty tray and walked with the others to clean them off.

After they'd left, Ryoko got out of her seat and sat next to me. "I know something's bothering you," she said blankly, surprising me at how quickly she got to the point. "I... I have no idea what you're talking about," I lied. "As I stated previously, I'm the Ultimate Analyst. I can tell when something's up," she put a hand on my shoulder, and I felt like she was staring into my freaking soul. "Why the hell do you care?" I said. Normal I wouldn't try to be so rude to someone I just met, but this was getting a bit too personal. 

Her eyes seemed to soften a bit, "Because I think I might be able to help."

"Now come on, let's get this over with. Tell me: what's on your mind?" My gaze fell down to my lap, "There... There's someone who I care about, but based on what he's told me, he seems to have done something... unforgivable... and I'm scared he could do the same to me."

She looked at me for a moment, "Well, does this action seem out of character for him?" I nodded. Suddenly her eyes did the weird thing again, but she blinked and once again it went away. She noticed my staring, "Sorry about the eye thing, it's what I do when I'm analyzing a situation."

"Well, obviously i don't know who you're talking about personally, but here's an idea: ever heard of the saying "The Truth is in the Eye of the Beholder?" "Well, yeah." "So, when he told you what he quote unquote did, what if he just believes he did that?" I just blinked at her for a moment, "But isn't the truth, well, true?"

 "Not all the time. Have an example: I'm at the store to buy a particular kind of popcorn I like, but it's out of stock. I see a robber run out of the store carrying some stolen goods in his bag, and I swear I see a popcorn bag hanging out. I might think that he stole all the popcorn, and that's why it's out of stock. It's my truth, it's what I personally believe. But if the cops catch him and check the bag, they may or may not prove my truth to be fact: that he is a popcorn thief. But then again, they might not find it, and he therefore wouldn't be a popcorn thief. Catch my drift?"

As I thought about what she said, it kinda made since. Even though Shuichi had told me he killed his Aunt and Uncle, that might not be the full story, as we didn't exactly get to that part. The reason I might not have caught it as a lie was because it was his truth, or what he believed happened. 

I just had to be a good cop and check the dang bag. Kinda sounds out of character for me, not gonna lie.

I couldn't help but jump up and hug her. "Thanks for getting me to see differently, Ryoko!" She smiled and embraced me back, "I'm happy to help. I do want to be able to make my own amends."

I gave her a confused look, "Eh? Whatcha mean now?" She gave me a weak smile, "There's something about me I hope I forget soon. I don't remember it, but I know it happened, and it was absolutely horrible. I want to be the opposite of the old me I don't even remember being."

"What on earth are you talking about?" I asked. She put her elbow on the table and leaned her head against her hand, "Even if the doctors and medics won't confirm it with me, I am very sure I was Junko Enoshima: The Ultimate Despair."

She then proceeded to get up from the table, "I do hope I was able to help you out a bit. Take care, Oma-Kun." She then walked away from the table, leaving me speechless.

I shook my head, 'Now's not the time to think about stuff like that. I'm going to go do what I should have done as soon as Saihara told me he killed them. It would have been very efficient to ask him what happened rather than stand there awkwardly like I had cold feet.'

I signed myself back in for business as soon as I could, grabbed his lunch, and speed-walked to his room. After doing the now second-nature maneuver of opening the door while balancing the tray on my hip, I entered the room and came face to face with Shuichi.

I sat the tray on his lap, and sat down next to him. Given the possible expression on my face and the fact I hadn't greeted him, he seemed a bit apprehensive. I turned my head and looked him dead in the eye.

"Shuichi, you are going to tell me what happened when your Uncle and Aunt died."


Word Count: 1963

Despair-ful Detective| Saioma Story| By WritingLikeVeeWhere stories live. Discover now