"Are you doubting your plan?" I mocked him slightly, and he looked slightly offended.

"No," he said, gripping both hands to the wheel and beginning to reverse.

"I am doubting your ability to cope with what's going to happen." As we backed out onto the street, I brought my gaze behind us, where about seven SUVs followed after us.

I brought my gaze back to the front of the car, and seven more identical cars pulled out in front of us.

"Is that really necessary?" I asked Mikey; he just tapped his left hand on the wheel and nodded.

"If we don't want to die tonight, then I suggest you take it with gratitude," he muttered, sounding slightly irritated under his breath.

"How long until we get there?" I asked, folding my arms over my chest and taking my eyes to stare out the window.

"You're like a child, you know that right? We'll be there in about ten minutes." I scoffed and shook my head, smiling to myself slightly.

"You know what you're like; you're like a, a..." I trailed off, unable to think of anything to insult him as he sat there, driving at an unholy speed, in his suit and hair done nice.

I couldn't think of anything bad to say about him at the moment, and I was kicking myself for it.

"Do you need some help getting your words out?" he teased.

"No, I'm an independent woman; I can also independently speak English."

"Really? Because you seem to have a stammer. I can help give you some things to say about me." He side-eyed me, smirking.

"And how would you describe yourself then, Mr. Perfect?" I asked, playing along.

"Well, ahhh, we could start with amazing, talented, spectacular." I rolled my eyes.

"How about egotistical?" I suggested, and he let out a gruff laugh.

"Nah, that doesn't fit the vibe I'm going for. How about good-looking? Do you think that sounds right?" This man, of course, knew where he was going.

"Oh, you are something, aren't you? No comment on that one, mate; I'm not going to boost your ego higher than it already is." I shot him a snarky smirk back, and his smirk fell.

"Well," he sighed, "should we describe you?" I scoffed and shook my head; well, this was going to be fun.

"Should I start the vibe this time?" I asked as he nodded.

"Mhm, if you really want,"

"How about smart, intelligent, fun, like the most awesome person that you've ever met?"

"I was thinking more along the lines of an irritable hot head," I said, my jaw dropping as I folded my arms yet again and stared at him in shock.

"I am not!" I raised my voice; he just pointed at me and nodded.

"There it is, irritable and hotheaded," he laughed.

"You suck," I stated in reply.

"I do not; just admit it; I'm the best person you know." "Ego alert," I laughed as the car rolled to a stop out in front of Miramare Castle. Again, my jaw dropped in complete awe.

"What the actual hell?" I gasped as my eyes glistened up at the building in front of me.

"I know right, it's pretty amazing; just wait until we get inside." Mikey smiled at me, like an excited child.

We got out of the car and walked inside. Mikey pushed open the double door and gazed back at me.

The doors flung open in front of me, and I was left to bask in the sight of what looked like it could have been heaven.

The floors were polished beyond belief, 15th-century portraits lined the walls, and suits of armor and decorative architecture flooded the hallways.

I took baby steps inside, trying to take in as much as I possibly could—the chandeliers, the ballroom floor, the elegant balconies that overlooked the floor below.

Tables lined the walls, covered in expensive wines and luxurious foods—at least something from each cuisine.

I had never seen anything like this before in my life.

"Shame, this floor will be covered in blood by the end of the night." Mikey glanced over at me as my heart fell.

"Yes, it is a real shame to disrupt a place so beautiful," I replied airily, not completely focused on our conversation but more on my desire to explore every floor of this place.

The history nerd in me was coming out.

"People will start arriving soon; I'm going to go and greet the band I've hired and then brief the men on their posts." He nodded at me.

"Right, what band did you get?" I asked, curious. He smirked and tapped his foot on the ground again, like an excited child.

"Green Day; it's a personal American favorite," he said, letting out a slightly embarrassed chuckle of laughter.

"May as well make it fun, ay?" I smiled back at him. This side of Mikey was rare, and quite frankly, I'm glad I've gotten to see it.

"Mikey," both of us turned around in sync to see Sanzu standing there with Bonten's high-ups and at least fifty men behind them, waiting for some kind of instruction on what to do next.

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Where do you want us situated? What are our posts?" he asked as Mikey pulled out a map from the bag he had brought inside with him, laying it down on the floor and kneeling.

Everyone around followed suit; along this map were a hundred x's along with a name, showcasing where everyone was supposed to be for this thing to work.

"Take this Sanzu, make sure everyone is in their place, and Y/n and I are going to greet our guests who should be arriving any minute." Mikey stood up, and so did I, taking a slightly anxious glance at each other.

"Should we get this party started then?"

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