Qualifying Entry | Round Earth

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The treasure at the end of the world is a simple myth, told to every child as a bedtime story. Many people went looking for it, but as they never found the edge of this flat earth they all failed miserably. 

Unfortunately this meant that there were now even round earthers, people who vehemently believed the earth wasn't flat and even promoted their beliefs. 

Aerin on the other hand didn't believe for even one moment that the treasure didn't exist. The end of the world existed, it only needed to be found by someone.

So after ample consideration did he sent his ship of delinquents to the west, they would follow that course till they found the edge.

This of course didn't work too well, as they needed food and water to survive and at some point no one knew if there would still be land for them to find either. 

At the last port of the known world the ship and crew said farewell to the members that weren't willing to risk it. Leaving Aerin with a considerable smaller crew than before, but that didn't matter.

Less people meant they had more room and food for the remaining people.

They continued west and three weeks down the road no end was in sight. The problem was, that they were also halfway through the food.

This was the moment where they had to decide to continue or head back.

Take the risk, and metaphorical fall or flight.

If they continued and they didn't find land within the next three weeks they were doomed. Even if they rationed the food and water even more, there was a point you couldn't go any lower and still being able to properly function on a ship.

On the other hand, this was the last point they could turn around and go back to the safety of the known world. Lick their wounds, get a bigger ship with more food and water and try again.

Naturally Aerin continued forward, his crew as committed to the cause as he was. The ones that weren't willing to risk it all had already said their goodbye after all.

They continued forward.

One week became two, three, four. 

Their rations were as good as gone and several of the crew had joined their loved ones beneath the ocean waves.

All hope was gone, they needed a miracle.

A miracle to survive.

Aerin knew they wouldn't be granted one, it was too late for that. Their world had no gods to pray to, none capable of helping.

This was simply the end of the journey.

The last mates had set the sails for them to continue west, only for them to lay down on the deck and close their eyes for the last time.

Aerin slumped over the steering weel, his eyes fixated on the horizon. The sinking feeling in his chest that those round earthers might have been right all along. 

There was no end to this world.

No edge to go to, to find the lost treasure hidden beneath the water's edge.

His eyes closed, his body only keeping upright by the steering weel and pure luck.

Luck that didn't keep him safe for long.

His body falling away from the safety of the ship as they sailed over the edge. 

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