silver x Self harm!reader

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* hey guys sorry I haven't posted In a few days it's because we'll ive been very busy and I haven't been sleeping so ya anyway enjoy*

Warning⚠️self harm included and triggers

You boyfriend silver was at a friend's house for a little while and you were at home you felt lonely and your mind had been clouded with horrible thoughts and memories you tried to brush it off or ignore what the thoughts wanted you to do because you knew when you did that stuff it only caused problems for others and you didn't want to be a burden you were crying in your and silvers bed glancing at the scars on your arms now and then as you cried eventually you got so worked up that all the thoughts came busting out of you.
You grabbed the nife
And started to slit your arms while crying when you were done you got rid of the nife and looked at yourself in the mirror you had tears steaming down your face like a water fall and blood dripping from the cuts on your arms you went into the bathroom closed the door and locked it because you didn't want silver to see you but you also thought he wouldn't even care or he would be very angry so you just shriveled up in the corner and stayed there.

Silvers pov

I walk in the door after a long day of help tails in his work shop and babysitting cream When I step inside im a little surprised to not see y/n there waiting for me but there probably napping so I go to check the room when I walk in there I notice tink wet drops on the bed and floor and the smell of blood filled the room I soon here soft crying coming from the closed bathroom door.
I knock gently and say "Hey y/n you there?" Then the crying stops and I hear y/n respond in a shacky voice "y-ya I'm great just give me a second."  I wait for a good while for them to come out but they don't I knock again and say "y/n I know somethings up come out so we can talk about it." I say pretty worried about what's going on.

Y/n pov

What am I going to do?! I thought in a panic knowing fully well silver is right outside the door and waiting for me to come out I realize there is no getting out of this so I decided to step out in defeat.
I close my eyes and wait for the yelling or the lecture or something to happen but nothing did for a good second then I flinch but soon relax knowing it was silvers soft imbrace he was hugging me?! I kinda stood there a little in shock from what happened when he released me from the hug he went straight into the bathroom and grabbed the first aid kit he sat me down on the bed and started to clean and rap my arms while placing light and soft kisses on my arms I giggled at the felling of his kisses he then grabbed the palm of my hand held in gently but also with a firm grip he look me dead in the eye and said " I won't yell or get mad and I won't make you promise to stop either. because I understand things like this happen but can you atleast try to talk to me or if I'm not home call me we can even come up with a safe word for this kind of stuff if you need to tell me in public ok." I nodded slowly and the tears were streaming down my face again he pulled me into a hug and we sat like that for a little bit until he got up and grabbed one of his large hoodies (or sweaters) and put it on me then he motioned for me to crawl up next to him in bed and I did he pulled me into a warm a soft cuddle.
I nuzzle deep into his chest fur and we both drifted off to sleep.

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