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Name: Valentina Russo (Brown)
Job:High school student
Medical records: anxiety, depression, trust issues and panic attacks
Info:Has 8 brothers she doesn't know about, is 3 minutes younger than her twin. Is more the shy type of girl and loves Chicken Nuggets. Has an adopted sister and gets beaten if she's rude to her, speaks Italian, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese and English of course

Name: Lorenzo Russo (oldest)
Job:Italian Mafia boss, owner of many 5-Star hotels and restaurants
Medical records: Depression (doesn't show it) and anger issues
Info:Looking for Valentina since 14 Years and took over the mafia after his dad died 10 Years ago. Everyone is scared of him and his Mafia is the stringed in the world, speaks Italian and English

Name:Francesco Russo
Job: Italien Mafias best Assassin also underboss
Medical records: Depression, Anger issues and Anxiety
Info: works for his older brother and is looking for his sister since 14 years, visits his fathers grave a lot, has a twin, older by 7 mins, speaks English Italian and Spanish

Name: Alessandro Russo
Nickname:Sandro/ Ales
Job:Doctor in the Mafia
Medical records: Depression, Anxiety and anger issues
Info:Tries to help his younger brothers in school and medically, younger twin by 7 mins misses his sister, gym rat, and speaks English and Italian

Name: Emiliano Russo
Job: Hacker in the Italien mafia
Medical records: Anxiety and anger issues
Info: misses his sister, wasn't close to her, loves spending money on useless stuff, always Carrie's a fun around (for safety), almost done school, interested in electronic stuff and speaks English, French and Italian

Name:Flavio Russo
Nickname: - (doesn't have one)
Job: works in mafia
Medical records: Depression, Anxiety and anger issues
Info: Misses his sister, spends a lot of time on his looks, almost didn't graduate high school, never went to college, loves to go to clubs and bars, speaks Italian and English

Name: Xavier Russo
Job: high school student
Medical records: Anger issues and Anxiety
Info:wants nothing to do with the mafia, misses his sister, really into music and dance, wants to be a singer or an actor, works part time at the national park, records some of his own songs in the Studio of his house, speaks Italian,Spanish and English

Name: Xander Russo
Nickname: Xan
High school student
Medical records: Depression and anxiety
Info: older twin by 9 min, is gonna join the mafia next year, popular in school, misses his sister a lot, loves Starbucks and McDonald's, loves coffee, speaks Italian, French and English

Name: Leon Russo
Nickname:- ( doesn't have one)
High school student
Medical records: depression, anger issues and anxiety
Info: is the angry one of the family, misses his sister a lot, was the closest to her, is in the same friend group as Xander,loves his coffee sweet, speaks Italien end English

Name: Alex Russo
Nickname: Al/Ale
High school student
Medical records: depression and anxiety
Info: is a legit sweet pie, loves his family more than anything, if he gets mad it's literally brutal, rarely gets mad, speaks English, Italien and Spanish

Name:Valentino Russo
High school student
Medical records: Depression and anxiety
Info:older twin by 3 minutes, loves Chicken nuggets,       gets mad but not often and when he does hell breaks loose, misses his sister, speaks english and italien

Name: Emma Brown
Job:High school student
Medical records:none
Info: Valentinas step-sister, bullies Valentina, has her mothers love, her mom died, gets everything she wants, Is loud,popular,acts a lot in front of her parents, has a boyfriend, gets spoiled.

Father- Pierro Russo- deceased
Mother- Alaina Brown- Ex Russo
Stepfather- Henry Brown

Lost mafia princessNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ