idk what to call this.. ig its billy x reader info

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(Recommnd listening to the video above while reading!)
SECTIONS: 1 | Warming up to eachother
     2 | Observing eachother
3 | Forms of affection
                         4 | Christmas with Billy
5 | Methods for calming Billy

Warming up to eachother
Billy at first tends to be very nervous and skiddish while warming up to you, He rarely ever lets you hold his hand or link fingers. He wants to be the first one to initiate physical connection, even thought it might be a little bit before he tries.

It won't be long before he makes the first move though.
He hyper-focuses on you, so it should be just a week before he gets fully comfortable with you.

Observing eachother
He prefers to observe how you act, your emotions, and your body language first. This makes him feel safer and more comfortable around you. If you don't give him time to warm up to you it's like walking on eggshells 24/7 near him.

He is like a feral kitten when it comes to gaining his trust at first.

Forms of affection
Billy's favorite is holding your waist and stuffing his face in your neck, he also enjoys hiding under a blanket and hiding his face in your stomach. He loves hugging you, being able to keep you close is comforting for him.

Allowing him to lay his head in your lap is the best way to get him to fall asleep or calm him down.
You can play with his hair too if you want, just expect your hands to get dusty.
Usually, if the other sorority girls are around, Billy will stay latched onto you like a leach.

Christmas with Billy
Billy usually has mental breakdowns, and panic attacks during december to late november due to traumatic incidents/events in his childhood. He's usually hiding in the attic more often when christmas is near, he will only come down to steal Claude or get food, so you won't see him very often.

Rarely he will peak in and hug you for a minute, but he will quickly scatter to the attic and hide once again.
He fears he might harm you if he stays to long because he's aware of how mentally unstable he is during this time of year.


Methods for calming Billy
The best few methods to calm him down are turning on the fireplace, making hot chocoa, and rapping the both of you in a blanket together. Turning on a playlist with some classical music helps a lot too, it makes Billy sleepy-ish and calms him down quite a bit.

You can also take a pillow and put a heating pad in it, any type of warmth makes Billy tired. He will pass out within 10 minutes of holding, or being near something that produces warmth.

Authors note!
Sorry this was so short, I've been awake all night writing this, and it's atleast 6:40 AM. I will try to update sometime soon, give you a new chapter or two, and then bail for a little bit.

Thanks for reading what I put effort into writing! Wish you well!

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