Chapter One - The Prototype

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Private Victor Blackburn. 16 January 2782. 0854 Hours. Firebase Charlie. Freedom Federation.

"Yo, Vic. Sarge wants you up in the control room for mission briefing." Corporal Stevens informed. Vic made his way to the control room for mission briefing and straightened his berret. He brushed his short, brown hair lightly with his hand as he walked his way towards the control room.

When he got there, he was greeted by several soldiers as Well as a few artificial intelligence holographic projections. "Greetings, Private Blackburn." Sergeant Liu greeted Vic. He saluted in return. "Sir. Liu turned around towards the holo-panel. "Alpha, bring up the battlefield." He commanded to one of the A.I. "Of course" It responded and a map of the battlefield came up on the screen. "Private Blackburn, this is where we will be dropping in via helicopter." Liu pointed to a spot near the bottom of the map. He then brought his hand towards a spot near the top that was quite far away. "If our Intel is correct, then this is where the weapons facility is. We need to go in there, steal the weapon they're working on and leave safely and quietly. There will be plenty of guards, No doubt, So we'll only use suppressed weapons." Liu told Blackburn. "What is this weapon they're working on?" Blackburn asked. "According to our Intel, the enemy are calling it 'The Prototype'. It could be a little pistol, or it could be an anti-son-of-a-bitch machine for all we know, but I want it in our hands. Not theirs. The squad is gonna go in there and take it, you got it?" Liu asked. "Yes, sir." Blackburn nodded.

"One more thing: You'll know What the weapon is by these markings." Liu said as a symbol showed up on the holo-panel. Blackburn made sure to memories this. "When will we be dropped off there, sir?" Blackburn asked. "Very soon, soldier. This is a very important mission that needs to be done soon. We need to capture the prototype. You're dismissed." Liu dismissed Blackburn, who went to go get his gear ready.

"Here it is, men. This is the enemy base." Liu said, as the helicopter got above the base. "Shit, we're high as Fuck!" Stevens looked out of the window. "Enjoy the view while you Can, corporal. We're gonna be down there soon." Liu said as he got up and started to attach ropes to the floor of the helicopter before opening the door. "Down the ropes, men." He signalled. Blackburn slid down one of the ropes and was thankful to land on solid ground. Stevens cringed. He always hated the ropes. "Go, go, go!" Liu commanded. Stevens slid down the ropes slowly and landed on solid ground. He was followed by Liu.

"This is it, men. You ready to write history?" Liu asked with a grin. "Fuck Yeah, we are!" Stevens Exclaimed as he cocked his silenced handgun. "Let's do this." Blackburn cocked his silenced assault rifle. "Stevens, get to the top of that building. You're sniping." Liu pointed to the top of a building with a ladder on the side of it. "Yes, sir." He made his way to the building. "Blackburn, You're with me." Liu started to walk through the battlefield with a loaded shotgun in his hands.

He spotted two soldiers and pulled out a silenced handgun. "I'll take the one on the right, you take the one on the left. On the count of three. One. Two. Three." The two soldiers fell to the floor, dead, within a blink of an eye. "Good shot." Liu told Blackburn. They approached the weapons facility slowly and stayed low. "I won't have sight of you while You're in there. Are you sure you want to go in?" Stevens said over the radio. "Corporal, do you really think that I am gonna go all the way here and sneak my way into an enemy base just to look at the exterior?" Liu asked. Blackburn heard a noise and turned around to see a figure running in the distance. Could it have been Stevens?

Blackburn turned around to see No one there. "Sarge? Sarge, are you there?" No response. "Stevens? Come on, quit fuckin' with me." Blackburn said over the radio. Still No response. He then felt something unbelievably strong grasp him by the back of the neck and toss him to the floor. Blackburn felt slightly concussed and he looked up to see What it was. He saw a tall, humanoid creature being shot by the enemy. The creature made an ear piercing shriek and then disappear into thin air. Blackburn then felt it grasp his neck tightly, choking him and he started to be lifted off the ground. The creature was obviously using some kind of cloaking device.

He was still being choked and held up in the air, When he heard a sniper shot and saw it hit the creature, making it's cloaking device malfunction. The creature screamed and dropped Blackburn, turning to Stevens. It roared loudly and ran towards him with unrelenting speed. "Black! Hit it in the back of the neck!" Stevens told him over the radio. Blackburn nodded and took out a knife, ran up to the creature and stabbed it in the back of it's neck. Dark purple blood oozed from the wound, covering Blackburn's knife and his arm. He pulled the knife from the creature and kicked it to the floor.

Stevens made his way to Blackburn, who was looking down at the creature. "Man, What the Fuck is this piece of Shit?" Stevens kicked it to see if it was dead. "I've got No idea, corporal. We gotta capture the prototype, So don't worry about this. We Can report back to command." Blackburn told him. The two turned back to the entrance of the weapons facility. "Okay, So we're just two soldiers without a sergeant and we got No idea What this weapon looks like or How many people are guarding it. You ready for this?" Stevens turned to Blackburn. "Fuck Yeah, corporal. Let's do this!" The two loaded their weapons and walked, inside.

"Black, you go to the left and I'll take the right." Stevens commanded. "I don't fuckin' like this..." Blackburn was slightly uneasy. He made his way through the left side and saw the markings. The bad news was that they were on a large suit of black and yellow titanium power armour. It looked like it weighed about five tons. An alarm sounded. "Fuck, We've been spotted! Go loud!" Stevens ran towards Blackburn, waiting for more enemies. Nothing. "This don't seem right with me." Stevens said, looking around. The two walked around and observed the prototype armour.

"The only way we're gonna get this suit out of here is by using it. I vote you do it." Stevens said to Blackburn. Blackburn walked up behind it and opened up the hatch on it's back. An enemy soldier was inside, dead. He had slashes across his throat and the smell was disgusting. The disturbing stench of rotten flesh and blood filled Blackburn's nostrils and he started to gag. "I'm not getting in there, man." Stevens wafted the smell away from his nose. "Fine." Blackburn pulled the body out from the hatch and got in.

"Welcome, operator! Beginning startup." An automated voice filled the cockpit and the hatch closed. It was dark for a moment before a screen came up and showed a view from the camera feed at the front of the suit. The controls were quite simple, especially for someone with as much vehicle skills as Blackburn. He walked it through to the helicopter and the pilot landed it to get out. "Damn... How the Fuck are we extracting this Shit?" She asked, looking at the prototype suit. "Program, is there any way to get this to Freedom Federation Firebase Charlie?" Blackburn asked. "Jetpack controls are on the left side of the control pad." The program replied. "Wait, did that thing say jetpacks?" The pilot asked. "Huh. I guess So." Stevens replied. "Get away from this thing before I take off. God only fuckin' knows How much shit's gonna be fired out of the exhaust." Blackburn warned the two. The pilot and Stevens got into the helicopter and took off.

A jetpack came out of the prototype's back. The suit then started to spew out smoke and fire and started to take off. The helicopter made it's way back to Firebase Charlie and Blackburn followed. 'How did they even build this? Heavy machine gun cannons, rockets, jetpacks... How the Fuck is this possible?' Blackburn thought to himself.

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