How Max first met the Incredibles

Start from the beginning

(Salavak spreads his wings, flies into the sky to go after Xerek)

Xerek: Fools, never stop..........

(Salavak fires a beam that destroys the escape pod's rockets, causing it to fall down onto the streets, leaving a small crater as Xerek opens the hatch and ran, only to get trapped by Violet's Invisible force field)

Mr. Incredible: It's over Xerek.

Xerek: No, it's not over, not yet!

(Xerek pressed a button, which is on a device strapped to his wrist, causing him to teleport)

Mr. Incredible: What the?

Violet: He must have teleported somewhere.

Elastigirl: He'll be back.

(As Mary lands, Elastigirl approaches her)

Elastigirl: Always make an entrance, Rosestar or should I say Mary Stewart.

Mary: Elastigirl, it's been years since we last meet.

Dash: That's Mom's old friend from school.

Violet: Yeah.

Mr. Incredible: So, what about the shape shifting kaiju?

(Mary turns her attention to Salavak)

Mary: Max!, come down here and greet the Incredibles.

(Salavak transforms back into Max, shocking the Incredibles)

Mr. Incredible: Whoa!

Elastigirl: What the? Max? Little Max Stewart? Is that you? You have powers?

Max: Yes, it's me Elastigirl, I got powers. I can turn into giant monsters.

Mr. Incredible: The newspapers were kidding about him gaining powers from a strange chemical.

(Flashback ends)

Max: And that is how I met the Incredibles.

(The audience clapped)

Barbara: Well, that was an exciting story. Well, we got a surprise for you. Ladies and gentlemen, here are the Incredibles!

(Max looks around and see nothing)

Max: Wait a minute, are you pulling my leg cause I don't see them.

Mary: Max, use your thermal vision.

(Max uses his thermal vision, seeing 5 heat signatures)

Max: What the?

(As Max turns off the thermal vision, he saw Violet sitting next to him while the rest of the Incredibles appear, much to his shock and the audience as he blinks and slowly goes to touch Violet's forehead)

Violet: Boo!

(Max screams and jumps back)

Max: Aaah!

(The Incredibles laugh as Max is shock as well as the audience)

Max: You've been there the entire time?!

Mr. Incredible: Yep.

Dash: You didn't even notice.

(Jack-Jack giggles)

Barbara: So Incredibles, what happened after the team-up?

Elastigirl: Well..........


Max: I can't believe I join forces with Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl! Metroville's greatest heroes like my mother.

(Max shakes every member of the Incredibles' hands in super speed)

Max: Can I get your autograph?

(Max pulls out a poster of Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl striking poses)

Mr. Incredible: Wait, that's from our workout PSA!

Elastigirl: How did you get that?

Max: My dad said I got it from some guy named Buddy Pine.

(The Incredibles are shocked)

Max: I think he was the kid cause Mr. Incredibles to lose Bomb Voyage.

(Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl laugh nervously as they sign the poster)

Max: Thank you. By the way.......

(Max pulls out a pack of Incredibles action figures)

Max: Would you also sign these too?

(The Incredibles are speechless as they slowly backed up with nervous smiles, jump into the Incredibile and drove home)

Max: Was that a no?

(Flashback ends)

Dash: You were following us for days.

Max: Uh.

Mr. Incredible: You grabbed our car when you transformed into that giant winged creature and flew off, carrying us to your house.

(Max's family looks deadpanned as Mary facepalms)

Max: Uh, oops?

Barbara: So, it is true you wanted by be Elastigirl's sidekick Max?

Max: Yeah, well.............

Megan: (smirks) You have posters and action figures of Elastigirl in your closet. Also, you use to sleep with an Elastigirl plush doll when you 5.

(The audience laughed, leaving Max, embarrassed)

Elastigirl: Really? I was your favorite hero?

Max: Uh, yes.

Dash: I bet you wish she protect you from the monsters hiding under your bed, did you?

Max: Hey, that's private!

(Max's eyes widen when he saw the shock expressions on everyone's faces)

Elastigirl: Oh, wow. That was unexpected.

Barbara: Well, I think it's time wrap things up, goodbye everyone.

(Suddenly, Max's egg starts moving)

Daisy: Maxy's egg!

(Max looks down at the egg that's cracking and from it, emerges a hatchling bird with blue and white feathers)

(Max looks down at the egg that's cracking and from it, emerges a hatchling bird with blue and white feathers)

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(The bird blinks as everyone is shocked)

Max: What the?

The Incredibles: The Dawn of Monster KidWhere stories live. Discover now