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"Salem, come on, you have slept almost all day" He lets out, watching as you turn, the face covered in dirt. "What on earth have you got yourself into this time?"

"Ashwinders," you let out, the pillow over your head, "You would be proud"

Laughing, Sebastian shuts his mouth when your eyes rest on him so innocent and truthful, he has to take a step back. "You fought Ashwinders? Without me?" The hand before his chest, he pouts, then grabs the blanket off your body and pulls on your side to get you to move. "Come on, at least get some dinner, or at least a shower"

Your tired body dragged after him as he pulls you into the wash room and takes off some gear while you refuse to move, Sebastian shakes his head. "I cannot believe you went on an adventure without me"

A soft snicker comes over your lips as you take off the cloak and boots then turn to look at Sebastian as he drops the gear into the basin and lets water rush over it. A spell to clean it cast onto the gear, he leaves it in the basin and returns, the arms crossed before him. "Go on, we haven't got all evening, and I am famished, so have a shower"

"Then turn around, I do not want you to see me without clothing"

Sebastian comes closer, a grin on his lips as he loosens his tie. The eyes lifting to meet yours, his fingers fumble to unbutton his collar and the top of his shirt. "Well, we can make it even, I remove my shirt if you remove yours"

"Sebastian, are you in here?" The wand pointed forward, the door creaks as it opens and Ominis walks inside, his steps echoing on the marble tiles. The pale face turns to Sebastian, who sighs and steps back, the hair dropping into his face as he shakes his head and walks to the door. "Have you seen Salem? They have not been to class, and I am worried after your last adventure something might have happened. I cannot believe you've got them into this"

"I have not seen Salem, maybe they went to bed. You do not have to worry, Ominis. I will go and find them"

"Then I will come with you"

Your mouth covered, you watch as Sebastian tries to rid himself of Ominis, but that poor boy does not get the hint and insists on helping Sebastian find you.

A sigh rolls over Sebastian's lips when he spots you take off your waistcoat, wand holster, and satchel, then unbutton and lift the shirt high enough to expose your stomach, but at the same time, Ominis grabs Sebastian by the arm. "Come on, we will find Salem, and then eat, I am starving"

"I'm coming" Sebastian lets out, his eyes on you, the lips pursed as he shuts the door.

Hot water rushes over your body as you lean back and take a deep breath. It feels great until the sudden rush of heat resonates from within you and instead, you turn the water to freezing cold. Red spots forming all over your body, the head held low as you lean your arm against the wall, the door creaks open and heavy footsteps come inside, but no one speaks a word.

Done with your shower, you use some magic to turn off the water and reach out the shower to grab a towel Sebastian has left for you before Ominis dragged him outside. However, before your hand can reach it, another hand grips yours and pulls you out of the shower, the darker skin before you covered by a full head of chocolate coloured curls, and underneath the cocky smile of Alex, his face close enough to your to have his nose brush over your cheek.

"Hey, are you-" His eyes on the skin between his fingers, Alex opens his mouth, then halts and closes his eyes instead, "You are freezing, Salem, what the hell?"

"I had a cold shower, is that forbidden?"

The eyes on you once again, Alex steps back and lets you wrap the towel around you before shaking his head, "Not like that. Salem, what is going on with you? Everyone is on edge, Atticus, he refuses to talk to us, and Alec is who knows where. I don't know what to do any more"

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