Better then anything else ≥∇≤

419 13 3

An AU where:
~ Mr plant stims whenever he want to touch something fluffy or soft
~ Touching argos' face will instantly make him so flustered >:)
~ The pair like playing games that require a LOT of patience (chess, solitaire, connect four, risk ETC).
~ Both Argos and Mr plant fantasized about having wholesome sleepovers with each beacause yes
~ Mr plant is insecure about being seen as non-committal
~ Instead of water, it rains a sticky, black tar that's takes a lot time to wash off but before that, it pre-rains with is just regular rain water

Also Mr plant and Argos' personalities might be slightly non-cannon so sorry in advance again T-T

Also all previous headcanons still stand in this oneshot :D
Oh and Enjoy ~


Argos was going on a walk around the neighborhood and Mr plant was busy planning his and Argos' date tonight. He had been really nervous since Argos went above and beyond on their dates so Mr plant was extra focused to make it as memorial as possible. The way Argos did.
They had been dating for about 5 months and everyday felt different to Mr plant because of it. This made Mr plant notice the smallest of details about Argos. Like when he was tired, some of Argos' multiple eyes would be half open while other would be shut. Mr plant figured that was to keep Argos alert when his body was going into a vulnerable state. Aswell as when he eventually did go to sleep, some of his eyes would stay open and close and take turn looking out into the night. There were so many more that Mr plant would have to them write down and he bet he would even remember most of them but they'd come to him when he saw the for himself. In fact, he was so busy daydreaming about seeing Argos, he'd completely lost his train of thought and quickly got back on track to what was suppose to be doing.

A little while later, Argos was waiting outside of his door. He got a letter from Mr plant saying he'd better get ready for a walk at the local market. Argos had actually never been there. He'd seen pictures and slight glimpses but had never set foot there before. Since he'd never been, he figured it was a special occasion and went to do get dressed. He'd decided to wear a colour-block sweater with blue jeans and some old shoes

And started walking to Mr plants house as he ruffed his curly locks

The two wondered around the different stalls at the market. There was mostly meat and old childrens toys with were thing neither Mr plant or Argos wanted. They eventually decided on leaving yet as some as they left for the street home, it had started to pre-rain.
Mr plant looked at Argos,
Argos looked at Mr plant.
The 2 men smiled before spriting down the street they came from, laughing and egging each other on to go faster until they were both out of breath and, after about three minutes, finally getting to Mr plants' void.
Once inside, Mr plant and Argos decided to make a comfy place on the couch to pass time and maybe play some boardgames of something. Mr plant went to check around the bed and Argos went to check around the television. While looking around, Argos could hear the rain pouring from outside.
"God, at this rate, i won't be able to walk home."
Argos looked over at Mr plant, hugging the fluffy blankets he had just gotten
Argos blushed light as he thought
"At least I can spend more time with him~"
Mr plant catches a glance at the clock, slowly ticking away until he realised it was only 6 PM and the rain didn't seem to want to stop anytime soon. Mr plants' mind went black for left then a second before realising that Argos just couldn't go back home in this weather and if Argos couldn't go back home in this weather then that meant that
Argos was going to stay over
Mr plant signed to Argos that he was going to the bathroom and went in there to compose himself.
Later on, the two eventually played some random card games which kept them both on their feet and the sounds of slight mischievous chuckles and snickers echoed across the room and although it wasn't visible, Argos could tell that Mr plant was smiling widely and clearly enjoying himself which made Argos smile contently as the games raged on through the evening.

The time was now 11PM and Argos was starting to get sleepy so they quickly finished there game of scrabble with Argos being the winner despite getting more and more tired that by the time the game had finally finshed, Mr plant had to carry Argos up the stairs into his bedroom and cup his cheeks when the sat him up on the bed with make him be awake enough to shower and brush him teeth quickly and since he didn't have a spare change of clothes, Mr plant offered him some of his old clothes with were too small on Mr plant but slighty too big on Argos which if you we're Mr plant, you'd be restraining yourself to not smother the adorable little man. And not a second after Argos had rested himself onto the bed and his head onto the pillow, Argo had started to drift into a gentle rest. While Argos was busy snuggling up to Mr plant pillow, Mr plant was busy observing his lover with such admiration and content before showering himself and brushing his teeth as quickly as possible as not to disturb his iris ~
As he changed into his pajamas and tucked into bed besides Argos, only one thing was on his mind

'I wouldn't change a thing about tonight, Argos'

Word count: 1024 (゜Д゜)!!
Honestly, thank you all for you patience. Been having a series a restless night and writer block. Hope you all enjoy and have an exceptional time before and after reading this !

Mr plant X Argos onshots :)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt