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Hye Jin's POV

As she parked her car, she noticed Shin Joo's car coming from a distance. She got out of her car and locked it. He parked his car beside her in confusion and got out locking it too.

"Hye Jin? What are you doing here early in the morning?" he questioned after he was standing in front of her.

"You--don't know?"

"No? That's why I asked."

"Yeon...he's injured badly-" Before she could finish the sentence, he ran into the apartment complex.

"Ah seriously?" saying that she ran after him.

"Lord Lee Yeon! Lord Lee Yeon!" Shin Joo yelled from the front door till the bedroom.

Yeon sighed in annoyance. Shin Joo ran inside Yeon's bedroom, stomping his feet on the floor. Yeon shushed him but he didn't get the hint and started to blabber.

"My, your entire body has been torn apart!" he said holding in his tears.

Till this time Hye Jin reached the apartment and ran into Yeon's room and stood beside Shin Joo. She saw Ji Ah stirring awake and sighed seeing she wasn't injured.

"I can't deal with this." Shin Joo said hitting the mattress.

By this time Ji Ah looked up and was shocked seeing Shin Joo and then her eyes went towards Hye Jin who was looking at Shin Joo with the I'm done face.

"Be quiet. Quiet." Yeon said, almost crying himself.

"Shh? Why?" Shin Joo asked, placing his finger over his lips.

Hye Jin turned his face towards Ji Ah by grabbing his head to do so. At first he was about to squeal because of shock but stopped at the last moment. He cleared his throat.

"Dr. Koo Shin Joo? From the animal hospital?" Ji Ah asked in disbelief.

"Ah...Producer Nam." he said chuckling awkwardly.

Which caused Hye Jin to facepalm while Yeon looked away cringing.

"Uh, do you guys know each other..." she pointed at Shin Joo and looked at Yeon and Hye Jin for them to reply.

Yeon and Hye Jin just simply nodded, not having the energy to deal with what was happening.

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After the whole introduction and all. Shin Joo went and made Yeon some chicken porridge. After he made it he helped Yeon come to the dining table and sat him down on the chair.

"It's chicken porridge. Go ahead and eat."

Hye Jin and Ji Ah were sitting opposite of Yeon while each had a cup of coffee, they watched the scene in front of them in amusement.

"I'll cool it down, so it won't be hot." Shin Joo said taking a spoon full of the porridge and blowing on it.

Yeon looked at the women in embarrassment while Hye Jin nearly spilt her coffee.

"Hey, I'm not a kid!" Yeon said taking the spoon from him. "Go away." saying that he took a bite but stopped as it burnt the roof of his mouth.

While he was dying from the burn and Hye Jin dying because of how hilarious it is. Ji Ah tried to tell Shin Joo how Yeon was in trouble but he didn't notice it.

"You did a great job dressing his wounds." Shin Joo said grateful for doing it for Yeon.

"Ah, thank you." Ji Ah said, shyly. "Will he need more treatment?" she asked.

"He recovers way more quickly than others. Still, he needs rest for at least a month." Shin Joo explains while Yeon struggled to have at least one bite of the porridge.

He bowed. "I'll leave him to you." he said to Ji Ah.

"Uh, I think you should be with him, not with me."

"Mm-mmm. The power of love." he said gesturing with his hand for effects.

"That's the most powerful medicine in the world."

"Huh?" (Ji-Ah.exel stopped.)

"Lord Lee Yeon may be cranky, rough and stingy but he's a romanticit who loves one woman forever. He also owns real estate that's worth more than $30 million."

Yeon looked at Shin Joo to make him stop but realized he was praising him in front of Ji Ah so he didn't do anything.

"He's good looking, be doesn't have any chronic diseases and his life span is really, really long."

All this while Ji Ah smiled awkwardly while Hye Jin was about to burst from holding in her laughter.

"You, get out. Go."

"I'm leaving. I'm leaving." he said happy for Yeon.

Ji Ah followed him to the door. Suddenly Shin Joo halted and turned around. They both were visible, giving Hye Jin the perfect view.

"Ah! Please give him ice cream only when he finishes his porridge. Even if he throws a tantrum, don't give it to him." Shin Joo tells Ji Ah and she nods her head.

Yeon was peacefully eating his chicken porridge when Shin Joo reveals his secret.

"Oh! And when he takes a bath, put three rubber ducks in the bathtub. He totally loves it."

"Hey, I said, leave!" Yeon said turning around his seat.

"I'm leaving. I'm leaving." Shin Joo said and left.

Just as the door closed, Hye Jin hysterically laughed. Yeon turned around to look at her in anger.

"What? What?!" Yeon said defensively.

"Yeon do you want me to put the rubber duckies in the bathtub for you?" she teased.

This caused Yeon to yell while Hye Jin emitted exaggerated loud laughter, along with printer and car parking noises.

While Ji Ah held her head and didn't even want to engage in their banter early in the morning.

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POSTED: June 24, 2023
EDITED: August 05, 2023
WORDS: 949

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