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It was graduation day, and all the high school students were buzzing with excitement — their world was about to be open to all the possibilities that the world could offer. Selene and Jonghyun hummed the same energy as the others as they walked to school, dressed in their best attire to ensure their parents got that 'picture-perfect' look for their photo albums. They found their way to what seemed like an endless queue for their gowns; others passed them with black fabric in hands and both of their excitement grew.

"I can't wait for today to be over," Selene whispered into Jonghyun's ear.

" So we can really start our lives?" He whispered back to her

"You know it."

They both beamed at each other upon receiving their gowns and rushed to get changed. Selene looked at herself in the mirror, the cap and gown began to settle reality into her mind — was high school really over? All those years of dreaming to be out of her and yet did she dream too hard? Did she miss out on anything? She shook those thoughts out of her head, "Don't be stupid," she said to herself. She fixed her cap and left the bathroom to find Jonghyun waiting for her, he looked grown up and it did something to her heart.

"Look at you, all grown up!" He said to her with outstretched arms, "How dare you grow up right in front of my eyes." He squeezed her tightly and she wanted to remain in this moment forever.

"I could say the same to you," she said, face pressed into his hair.

"I can't wait to see where we go in this world." He said, "Even if we are going to different schools."

"I promise when we both graduate we will take the world by storm together."

" Together." He repeated her words.

As they joined the graduates, Selene couldn't help but feel a mix of nostalgia and anticipation. The hallways that once felt confining and suffocating now held memories that she would cherish forever. All the laughter, tears, late night study sessions – they had shaped her in so many ways.

They made their way to the auditorium, Selene found Jonghyun among the crows and smiled at each other. They had been best friends since kindergarten, and their bond had only grown stronger over the years. They had navigated the challenges of adolescence together, supporting each other through heartbreaks, insecurities and academic pressures. She was sad that they were parting for university but she knew that their friendship would maintain, it had to. As Selene listened to the words of encouragement from the valedictorian and principal, her determination grew stronger. She knew that the road ahead wouldn't be easy but she was ready to face the challenges head on. Her eyes found Jonghyu again in the crowd, he turned and smiled at her. They were in this together, supporting each other every step of the way.

After the ceremony, the graduates poured out of the auditorium, laughter filled the air. Countless photos were taken in order to immortalize the day. Both Selene and Jonghyun were surrounded by loved ones, congratulating them on their achievements. As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the school grounds Selene and Jonghyun took a final walk around the school, reminiscing about their shared memories and dreams for the future. Jonghyun felt that the world was full of possibilities with Selene by his side.

"Make sure to call me everyday," Jonghyun said as his footsteps echoed in the empty hallways.

"I'll be calling you every minute! You'll be sick of me!" She laughed.

" You better."

As the months went by, Selene got busier with her new school and new friends —- and so did Jonghyun. They didn't have much time for each other, the mutual feeling that they were both losing their best friend grew more and more...and they didn't know how to cope with it. Over time, Jonghyun and Selene's communication became less and less frequent. They would occasionally send each other messages or catch up briefly over the phone, but it wasn't the same as seeing each other in person. Eventually, they drifted apart and went years without speaking.

Jonghyun pursued his passion for music after university, he worked at a few music companies but decided to create a music company of his own that helped develop artist talents that were deemed unworthy by most larger companies — he wrote music for artists alongside scouting them. Selene moved to a new city and began her career at Star Entertainment. She worked hard to climb the ranks and eventually became successful in the promotional department. Somehow the two of them ended up in the same city without knowing. 

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