Chiyo leaned into Y/n's husband for a kiss,while her husband just stood there in utter shock.

"You know...i think your better than Y/n. She always getting attention from other men you know?"

Chiyo smiled as she kissed him again.

Cutting the vegetables,Y/n smiled to herself. How could one be so foolish?

Chiyo and Y/n's husband came back with the basket full of apples as Y/n smiled. "wow!~ They look so ripe and fresh!" Y/n smiles as she took the basket.

"So,how was the kiss?~ Felt good right?~"

Wait...How did she know they kissed?

"Oh Chiyo~ If you really wanted to steal my life,you could've told me!~" Y/n laughed as the both of them stared at her in fear and shock.

"You know what? I'm leaving you! Get out of my house,crazy bitch."

Chiyo smiled as she saw Y/n loose hee life to her. She did it. She had accomplished the life she always wanted.

Y/n smiled creepily as she took the basket of apples and left. Walking out of the household,Y/n smirked.

As years grew by, the man that used to be Y/n's husband remarried to Chiyo and even got Chiyo pregnant,they never saw Y/n in the village anymore eversince that day...

Chiyo suddenly noticed little bumps at her neck and back area,as the months progressed with the baby,the bump's eventually got bigger and bigger. Chiyo's husband didn't know tho.

A few months later,the baby came out. He looked nothing like Chiyo or her husband, although he was just a baby,he had these eyes that looked very sleepy yet seductive. Just like Y/n's. The couple was very skeptical but they just ignored it. The bumps on Chiyo's back got even worse, hair even started growing on those bumps.Chiyo always wore thick clothing so that the bumps were not visible.

As Chiyo and her family ate dinner together, Chiyo suddenly vomited. "D-dear!Are you alright?"Chiyo looked up at her husband to see none other than Y/n's face. "Chiyo~ Are you alright?~"


"Chiyo your scaring me!"

The baby started crying loudly.

Chiyo then suddenly felt a sharp pain in her neck area and her back area. The bumps started spouting out,they got really big,like the size of an apple. Her husband stared at her in shock and disgust. The bump that came out was a face... Specifically Y/n's face. Chiyo lied on the ground screaming in pain as her bumps hit bigger and bigger. The cries of the baby also got worse. Her husband sat at the corner in fear like the coward he was as Chiyo turned into the monster she always wanted to be.

 Her husband  sat at the corner in fear like the coward he was as Chiyo turned into the monster she always wanted to be

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"AHHHH!" Her husband screamed as he ran out of the house. It wasn't Chiyo anymore.It was a monster.

Her husband ran as fast as he could as the monster came after him.

The baby was still crying in their house. Alone.

"Aww~ there there baby~" A woman carried the crying child,the child immediately stopped crying and giggled as she saw her. The woman was Y/n. She carried the baby that looked exactly like her to the forest.

While walking through the forest,she saw the monster that used to be Chiyo, devouring her Ex husband. Y/n couldn't help but laugh. "Ahahahahahahaha!~ How does it feel to live my life?~ How does it feel to be me?~"

Chiyo turned around to see her baby in Y/n's arms as each of the faces shed a single tear...

Covered in blood,Chiyo stared at Y/n and her baby.

"Isn't this what you wanted,Chiyo? To be just like me. To have my husband ,who is now dead, to live my life,to have my child~ Isnt this what you wanted? " Y/n said as she began to laugh.

"p....popopopopopo...." Chiyo couldn't talk. She couldn't say anything anymore.

Y/n decided to allow Chiyo to live as the monster she always wanted to be. Y/n kept the baby and named him Kaito.

She took care of the baby,raised him up strong until we passed away peacefully at old age.

Chiyo however, i being taken care of by Y/n, living in a big room surrounded by the darkness and solitude. Y/n would always feed the monster apples,vegetables and raw beef. This monster wasn't chiyo anymore. This monster became Y/n's pet and was named after what it used to be.

Y/n held a tray of apples,vegetables and raw meat as she walked. Y/n walked and walked,the room that she was about to go to was Chiyo's room. The room was super far away from everyone, including the garden.

"Lunch time Chiyo!~" Y/n walked into the room and left the tray there as Chiyo devoured it.

"Good evening my fellow slayers.We are all gathered here today to plan the attack on Akio. Akio will be invading Muzan's hideout tomorrow night. Please train as hard as you can...Because we all need to be at our strongest to defeat the monster."

"Yes master!"

Eversince Kagaya met Y/n, he actually got the sickness he was lying about. His time left is estimated to be anytime. At anytime,he could die.

Y/n at the edge of a cliff, the sun seemed to look like it was about to set. The sounds of Y/n's guzheng could we heard very loudly as it sounded throughout the forest. As Y/n's fingertips made the strings vibrate creating a beautiful noise,the music Y/n made was so beautiful just like her.

Y/n stared at the setting sun knowing that the that night after,will be the night that would change humanity...

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