Their College Life..

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Now, its the time for change in their educational life.. After their school they took different streams in their college.. Boy went for commerce field and girl went for science.. Their studies were very different and their professionals for which they were going .. Their life is now going to take two very different paths for their success in future..

Their differences effected their love life.. As they were studying 11th grade they were very focused on studies as it was quite tough for them and couldn't manage to get the time for talking with each other.. They don't chat for weeks.. But when they do there wasn't much left for them to talk because its a long time they didn't met and messaged one another.. It was almost three years now they didn't have a look at each other.. The boy was very much missing his love now. He spoke to her about their one time meeting but they didn't find a way for it as her family is strict and very much worry about studies so she didn't set much free for these things... Boy tried to get to some secure situation where they can see other again but his bad luck he was not able to find a way to meet her..

Days passes they were now becoming busy with their studies and concentrating more on it.. Now, she won't message the boy much often because of her tough schedule of her education.. She was much busy in college and after home with the books..

The boy was still sad that he cannot talk to her nor meet her.. Apart from his studies he was missing her so much when ever he gets leisure time.. It was like his happiness belongs to the girl... He waits for her message every day but no message arrives until he message her she wont say anything.. He didn't lose hope and waited for her starting two years of college to get over and hoped that he will meet her after they both successfully complete those two years.. Boy wants the girl to message him, talk to him, but she don't ... He was so unlucky that he didn't even heard her for years... She was like his half life to him without he was incomplete and couldn't live with his half soul.. The girl meant everything to boy .. Everytime he tries to talk or meet or see her, he gets negative response in return.. He was very depressed .. The smile has completely gone from his face .. He was living in this world but his mind was always thinking about her.. She was helpless in some situation that she can't give what boy wants.. But he decided he will fight with everything and will get his love for rest of his life.. He dreamed his future life with her as his life partner and so on.... Its like he can't lose her at any cost.. It was like he just can't imagine his life without her..

Small Twist In Boys life in between..

One day he got a message from a girl named "Fatima" .. She was boys classmate in primary school she left school in 7th grade.. She was searching Umair since five years and she got him .. She was very happy at the moment she got him. She started talking to him and made him remember her.. They recall their childhood memories .. They spoke for a day or two then she said she is in love with him that thing shocked the boy .. He didn't say anything for a time .. Then as he was in true love with Maryam.. He explained his relationship with her.. And how he loves her .. How they met.. But boy heart was kind and pure that he can't hurt anyone's feelings so he gave her a place of best friend.. He said I can't give Maryam place to anyone .. I can understand how you feel but we can be good friends.. So she accepted and they continued talking as good friends and that goes on..

But things were becoming more difficult as time passes and they were going closer to end their that two years of college.. Now, the time for their life's to take a turn and on different paths.. They were now going towards their graduation..

The True & Helpless Love..حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن