Freedom from the guy suddenly showing up every other moment until his master visited next? It... was actually not a bad deal.

"Fine, I accept," he said as he finished sitting up. "You better keep your word, though." 

Vrasje was beside his bed in a flash, making Marquise blink several times to register the sudden movement. Before he could respond physically, his ankles were grabbed and swung over the edge, putting him into a normal sitting position. 

The man got busy without another word as he pulled out several pieces of gauze and even a tiny bottle of disinfectant from his suitcoat pocket. 

Not wanting to prolong the annoyance, Marquise stayed still and allowed the man to direct his head with his cold hands. In fact, those frigid hands eventually had a shiver running down his spine as Vrasje finally managed to remove all of the bandaging. 

"Ah, sorry," the man said before removing his left hand that had been holding his jaw, only to return it a few moments later. 

It was no longer frigid. In fact, the warmth it now gave off was pleasant as it spread through his jaw and face, eventually soothing his nerves enough to draw his left eye closed. 

Vrasje was extremely careful as he began to gently clean out his injury and did his best to keep his warm left hand against his skin the majority of the time as it moved higher and higher until it was able to partially assist with the task the other was working on. 

"It looks much better than I thought it would," he whispered as he gently brushed a piece of gauze along the damaged upper side of Marquise's nose to remove a tiny bit of dead skin. 

He then went over the same area with a gentle scrubbing rhythm, adding an antibacterial medication to the damaged flesh. Vrasje cleaned a few more small spots as he checked him over, then, surprisingly, bandaged everything up comfortably but snugly, then leaned away, removing his warm hand. 

The loss of heat had Marquise's eye sleepily blinking back open, then looking up. 

"All set. That should do for at least a few days, but if it starts to hurt again, I'll help you clean it and change out the bandages," Vrasje said as he straightened up and packed up the dirty gauze and bandages in a disposable bag. 

Wait a second, you could tell that it was hurting? 

"Of course I could. I'm an elder. I've been around a while. Noticing that someone is in pain is second nature at this point," he said, making Marquise give an indistinct grumble and flop back over on his bed. 

"Whatever, just keep your end of the deal. Go away until master comes by again," Marquise said with a dismissive wave. 

He expected Vrasje to say something about his attitude, but what the man did say in response had Marquise jerking upright in less than a second!

"Taru is coming over later tonight?!" 

He almost got lost in his excitement before he realized something. 

"Wait a damn minute! You said that you would stay away from me until Taru came over again... but he's going to be here really soon anyways?!" 

Vrasje raised an eyebrow and shrugged a shoulder. 

"Yes? I didn't say that he wasn't going to be here soon when I had made that deal," the man said in a matter of fact tone. 

Marquise felt unbridled rage mix with his little wolf's confused terror beneath his skin and eventually heaved a long, frustrated sigh as he let his anger go so that he didn't stress his wolf out too badly. 

Alpha to Omega-mxmOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora