When you get sick

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Since you're the only one that take's care of Tal (because the others don't want to) you almost always get sick after

• Two words. "Princess Treatment" Tal will do anything and everything to make you feel at least a little better and to get you better fast

• He physically cringes when he sees you in pain or uncomfortable when you're sneezing and coughing a lot

• He'll try to make you soup like you do but he puts himself down so you reassure him it's not that bad and it's the thought that counts but honestly that man just basically gives you warmed up salty water with cut up pieces of raw potato, broccoli, green beans, And carrots thrown in it

• He stays by your side almost 24/7

• You wake up with Tal either laying beside you holding you close to him or sitting in a chair by the bed from the night before still holding your hand and his head laying on your stomach

•He doesn't give one fuck and kisses you whenever he pleases but because of you trying to get him to stop he only kisses your lips a few times to make you a little happy

• Unlike his soup, his hot tea with honey is really enjoyable. He even puts a mint leaf on top to try and make it look fancy

• He'll randomly bring you your favorite flowers and some shiny rocks that your guy's son helped him find

•Sometimes he'll make fun of you slightly. Like one time you had a runny nose and had the sniffles so he would sniffle too after each time you would, the same thing with coughing

• "s/n asked if you're dying"

"What?? No of course not"

*he walks out of the room*

"No she's not dying son!"

"What? the fuck?"

• When you rarely get the shivers he wraps you up like a burrito because he likes to laugh at the sight of seeing you struggle to get your arms out

• He'll search high and low in multiple stores nearby to try and find the best medicine that will cure you fast

• One time he even came back all dirty with scratches all over his face and hands but he had a proud smile with lots of good strong medicine with him

• He'll go out and find good movies and set up movie nights with popcorn and snacks. And of course the kids but they usually fall asleep first

• If you have a temperature and have cold sweats you usually ask Rocky to do your hair. So he asked her to teach him and now he does your hair for you "p.s of course your daughter was who he practiced on first"

• if your colds get kinda bad and you get a stuffy nose and an ache body he'll run a bath for you with candles and rose petals.

• He'll even force you to lay back and relax while he massages the soap and conditioner into your hair and gently washes your body for you

• If your body is still aching he'll give you a deep massage until you fall asleep in his lap then he just wraps his arms around you and cuddles you to his chest until he falls asleep too

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