Chapter Two

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I am on welcome duty. So I basically just have to greet all the guest at the door, with the exception that I get to send anyone I don't want home.
I smile at the thought, I didn't want a big  party so I only invited Tam and a few guys from debate. Countering to my Dad's wishing not that many people came, so this party was going to get boring soon and everybody's would leave. Soon Emory, then you can change out of this tight dress and into pj's so you can finish binge watching the office.

A bell at the door rings and I rush to it. I open and stop halfway. There was a gorgeous man at my door. Couldn't be older than in his late thirties. His jaw line well defined and charcoal black eyes beam back at me. He rises an eyebrow when all i do is stare.
"I am sorry. Am I at the right place?"
He's raspy deep voice sends  trills down my spine. My body reacts differently.
"It depends, who are you?"
"Ah, my apologies. My name is Michael Harris. I'm looking for Richard Robert."
I choke out, "My father?"
He looks me up and down with his eyes, as if trying to  find a resemblance. He stops when his eyes catches mine and inhales, "yes, I believe I'm here to congratulated you on your acceptance, Emory."
I wish I didn't find it so unnerving how he pronounced my name, or how the gift he pulled out of his pocket made my breathing hoarse as it stood out in front on me. So new and simple.
"What is it?" I say as I grab the white box tied neatly in a blue ribbon.
"Well I could tell you if you let me in first," he gestured to the door with a tlit of his head.
"Oh yes, gosh where are my manners." I moved aside too quickly, still fixated on my gift, I bump into the frame and lose my feeting. I don't notice I'm falling untile Michael grabs my arms and pulls me to him, saving my neck a possible decapitation on the metal cabinets. Michael's scent engulfs my mind as I hold tight on to him. Even when he releases me i still hold. Raspberry never smelled this good to me before.
"Emory, are you okay?" His fresh mint breath brushes my cheeks and only then do I open my eyes to meet his.
"Yes, I'm sorry." I push away from him, this time careful with my feet. I move away from the door frame enough for Michael to squeeze past me. I close the door behind him, my gift still tight in my hands.
"Mich, you made it!" My dad's voice booms behind me. I emerge from the door way and meet my father strangling Michael in a bear hugg. "God, it's been ages, how are you champ?"
"As always Richard, I am well. Your house is lovely, I imagine Stella enjoying this house." Michael says and my heart clogs at the mention of my mother.
"Yes she did. I wish she were here to see us, you - all here together after all thsee years again. Man you are too busy."
My dad gestures to me, a confusing look  to me with the box in my hand, "Michael gave this to me at the door," I explain as I finally open it. A candy necklace? I frown.
"Do you not like it? I figured all kids like candy."
My frown grows, "I am not a kid, I turned 18 four months ago. I'm pretty sure that means I am a legal adult."
"Yeah, sure sweetie," My dad says like I am a toddler making up a story like how I saw the tooth fairy. Michael just looks at me - no he stares, his dark eyes burning my skin. "I'm sorry if I offended you Emory, I will replace my gift,"
"Yeah, you do that." I say as I walk to the backyard, where the party is taking place.

The party drags on for another 2 hours, courtesy of my father's party games and Mrs Riley apple tarts, before it came to an end. I see the guests out, most of them our neighbors.
Tam stays, her nails digging into my skin as she drags me upstairs into my room.
"Emory, why didn't you tell me you had a hot uncle," she says as soon as she closes the door.
"Uhm, first of all his not my uncle and second his like forty Tam, that's gross."
"Haha, lies. I didn't mention his name and you knew who I was talking about which means you find him hot too."
I groan, "so what, he thinks I'm still twelve. He called me a kid."
"Well you do dress like one," Tam eyes me up and down.
"What's that suppose to mean? You know what never mind, change of topic. How your college decisions come out."
She glances away, "deferred from Princeton,"
I hold her hand, " That's not too bad, remember rejection is redirection."
"Yeah, whatever. Now tell me more about Mr hotty down stairs. Is he married? Oh how many kids??"
"I don't know. All I know is that his name is Michael Harris and he went to college with my dad. He's also a professor."
"Oh, a stable income. You think he uses social media?" Tam asks as she pulls out my laptop. I shrug and she types 'Michael Harris professor' in Google. No Facebook or Twitter. I doubt he has an Instagram. We scoll more and find his LinkedIn. Quite a lot of connections. We scroll some more. Graduated from Michigan University, language professor at Harrison College since 2002.
"His a professor at Harrison. That means he'd have to look after you while you are there," Tam winks at me.
"Okay, i am not even gonna ask what that means."
"Don't give me that look Mory. He's a hot - probably single man, you are a young woman who could do well with a make over. It's a match made heaven."
I scroll at Tam's ridiculous comments, "he's my dad's best friend."
"So?, i saw the way you looked at him during the party, Emory. "
My heart picks up a beat at that revelation, "I didn't realize I was starting that much, gosh that is so embarrassing."
Tam pats my hair, "it's nothing. If you like him, make sure he knows it at least. Remember love doesn't care about all the other aspects."
Well she was right. Has ridiculous as all this was Tam was right. But I still had to be cautious. If my dad found out I fancy his best friend, I'd be I great trouble.
"Okay, fine even if I did like him Tam, I doubt he'd like me back."
"Well there is only one way to know right. Find out."

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