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Kevin layed awake for far too long. He couldn't remember the last time he slept peacefully. He had gone to the doctors and tried multiple solutions to his restlesness, but nothing seemed to work. Kevin knew that moving in with his biggest rival wouldn't be a great idea, let alone share a room and a bed with him. He could feel Nico's eyes on him. Nico was probably thinking Kevin was asleep, but he was so far from the truth. Kevin felt pathetic, he had nothing to worry about, he barely had anyone sending hate messages and he had his entire country feeling pride in him. The doctors had explained to Kevin what exactly caused his insomnia, but they never told how to make the endless nights stop. They explained about how his childhood played a big part. Kevin had witnessed many fights, his old friends at the start of his karting career were terrible. They would beat up anyone in their way and Kevin was to scared to walk away from them. Those kids never made it far. But they did leave Kevin scarred in a way. He once trusted those friends of his, but they all turned their backs on him as soon as they realised Kevin had more potential then him. Instead of surrounding himself with people that wouldn't care about who he was, Kevin just shut himself down. He had a lot of talks in school about his anger issues. And no matter how hard Kevin tried, they never let go of him. He was always controlled by the voices of those little kids. It was pathetic in Kevin's own opinion. Not being able to sleep because of some random old friends that is. He didn't want to sleep right now, he knows that if he lets himself rest, he'll only wake up more stressed. He couldn't stay awake though, his tiredness got the best of him, and he fell asleep for the first time that week.

Nico woke up due to someone tossing and turning. He opened his eyes and saw the same head as he saw the last time his eyes were open. There were differences though. Last time Nico couldn't see his face. Last time Kevin didn't look like that. He didn't look like he was terrified the last time, he didn't have that petrified expression all over him. Nico woke up faster than he usually does. He stayed in the same position for a minute, thinking about what he should do when he finally started moving, trying to shake Kevin awake. "Kevin. Kevin come on. Kevin please just wake up. KEVI-" As soon as he started raising his voice more the door opened. "Nico come on it's to late fo-" Sebastian stopped his tracks when he saw Kevin asleep, still scared and when he looked at Nico his heart broke a bit. Nico looked almost more scared than Kevin and there were tear tracks over his cheeks. "Seb please. I don't know what happened. I can't wake him." Sebastian walked over to Nico. He realised how little his fellow countryman really hated Kevin. He could see sadness in Nico's eyes, a lot of worry and a bit of love. He smiled at the other German. "He'll be fine." He tried sounding as convincing as possible. Nico soflty left to go downstairs, he trusted that Sebastian would take care of Kevin.

Sebastian did manage to wake Kevin. All it took was some very cold water. Kevin was suddenly wide awake, his breathing heavy and definitly not regular. His eyes were full of fear as he looked at Sebastian, trying his hardest to regain himself. Seb didn't speak untill Kevin did. "Please leave." The words came out softly and he didn't look Sebastian in his eyes. "Okay. Kevin, please remember you're not alone here okay. Please go to someone if you're having trouble with something. I'm getting Nico so he can go back." "Wait" Again that soft voice. Sebastian looked around and started walking over to sit on Kevin's bed. "I have insomnia." Kevin started, still not daring to look at Sebastian, he already felt so weak. "My doctor said it's because of childhood trauma. Some stuff happened and it just always been so frustrating. They were my friends, but they weren't." Kevin continued, even with the little explaination Sebastian somewhat understood the story. "I can't trust people, Seb. I've been to so many therapists but I can't seem to trust anyone. I want to fix it, I really do. But I need to sleep, however I can't sleep. I wake up screaming every time. I just want it to stop." He kept his tears inside, no matter how hard it was. "Kevin you need to talk to someone. These therapists know what they are talking about, but you need someone who has been through the same. I know Valtteri has had some sleeping problems. Try to talk to him someday, he will keep his secrets. Okay?" Kevin thought about it and then nodded, it was his best shot. Sebastian gave him a little smile and went downstairs to get Nico. 

Kevin pretended to sleep again, he knew it was a worthless shot but maybe Nico would leave him alone. He felt the bed dip next to him and before he knew it there was an arm over his waist. He didn't think about it that much. All he knew is that he felt safe in a way, and he slept better than he had in a few years.

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