Chapter 32 - Last Defense

Start from the beginning

"That plan is one of your worst ideas yet," Jagger said. "And for you, that's saying something."

"Well you're free to suggest your own," Colt said, staring at a group of three pirates who looked to be coming straight toward them. "But do so quickly, if you can."

Jagger noticed the pirates and got his pistol at the ready. He looked to be trying to think up something, but it must not have worked out because he just shook his head.

He looked at Colt. "This better work," he said.

Jagger and Shelly broke away from Colt and began attacking the three pirates. Colt considered helping them out, but it looked like they had it handled. Shelly was dashing in and out of range of the pirates' swords, using her knife to cause her opponents some mild to severe pain. Jagger, meanwhile, was using his flintlock to get in some shots where he could. Yeah, they would be fine. Besides, Colt had to save his energy. His whole plan rested on him holding out for as long as possible against Rave. Last time that hadn't worked too well. But this time... this time it had to work. Or else Goldtown was done for.

Colt continued toward where Captain Rave was. He noticed that the captain had made it to where the remaining authoritarian officers were grouped up, and was gearing up for a fight. Colt had no doubt that Rave could and would take down every last one of them. That meant that he had to act, and fast.

"RAVE!" he yelled.

Just as he'd hoped, Captain Rave turned away from the officers at the sound of Colt's voice. His expression instantly changed to his common look of rage. Some surrounding pirates lifted their swords and guns toward Colt, but Rave said something to them and they changed course. The other pirates headed toward the authoritarian officers, while Captain Rave made his way toward Colt.

Perfect, Colt thought. It would be a battle just between the two of them. Captain Rave might be a very powerful pirate, but Colt had figured out something about him: he was predictable. He'd made it clear every time they'd fought that he wanted to beat Colt himself, without any help. This time was no different. Which was what Colt had been counting on. He would likely still lose miserably against the man, but at least he'd be giving the rest of the Authority a shot at saving the town. A small shot, maybe. But still a shot.

Eventually Colt and Rave met in the middle of the battlefield. Cannon balls and gunshots fired all around them, but Colt knew he was safe from those. Or more accurately, Rave was safe from those and that just included him by extension. Colt noticed the pirates and officers fighting all around him. He saw them start to spread the fighting out a little more, meaning that Shelly and Jagger's message had gotten through. The scene before him reminded him a lot of the fighting he used to watch from the Bloody Manta's crow's nest. He would watch the other pirates plunder and pillage and wish that he were one of them. Now he was down on the ground doing the fighting. Except he wasn't fighting for Captain Rave. He was the one fighting Captain Rave. He knew what always happened to the people who fought Captain Rave. What happened to every single one of them, without fail. But it didn't matter. He was going to do this anyway, no matter the outcome.

"You just won't die, will you?" Rave growled at him.

"You just can't kill me, can you?" Colt retorted.

Rave glowered at him furiously. He looked angrier than Colt had ever seen him before, which was saying a lot. In fact, a little more frustration might be enough to actually blow him up. How much anger could one person take, after all?

"We got interrupted before I had the chance," growled the pirate in response. "But fear not, there's nothing that can save you now."

Captain Rave took a step forward and raised his sword, blood in his eyes.

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