The Dursleys

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Harry frowned as his head finally stopped spinning from the port key. He hated port keys, Harry shook off the eerie feeling and walked up to the door. He didn't see a car in the drive way, so he figured Vernon had left for work. Harry opened the door and walked inside. He kept a look out for any possible danger and walked into the kitchen. He could hear water running upstairs so he figured aunt Petunia was showering. He shrugged and picked up a random fork. Before he could cast the proper spell to turn it into a portkey, he was grabbed from behind. "What are you doing boy? Did you think I wouldn't know that you were back?" Harry flinched away from Vernon before saying, "I was going to start cleaning sir. I thought that was why you wanted me back." Vernon pushes him away towards the sink and says, get back to it then. Before sitting down at the counter. Harry nodded before beginning to wash dishes. Hopefully Vernon would leave the room so that he could escape. He didn't want Vernon to hurt him anymore then he already had. Finally Vernon stood up and walked behind him. Harry tensed up before Vernon grabbed him from behind, "Hurry up and finish cleaning, I only have you for a few hours and I want to have some fun. I'll be in Dudley's second bedroom when you are done. I expect to see you in five minutes, or I will be coming down to get you." Harry nodded and relaxed slightly as Vernon went upstairs. He grabbed a fork and quickly performed the spell however before he could say the word to activate it he heard the front door open.

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