"How about we visit somewhere tropical? And explore Museums, I know a place"

"R-Really? You'd do that?" Y/n nods, taking Somi's hand in hers, feeling an immediate spark
Skipping a few months, Y/n got everything prepared. Bought herself a private jet, a sports car, and even arranged the papers and the penthouse they'll stay on. She checks one last time before closing her laptop, grabbing the blonde by the waist and smiled

"It's settled, we'll be leaving by night so we'll reach there by morning"

"O-Okay, I just finished packing our stuff anyways" Somi smiles, kissing her cheek. They got closer to each other, but no one knew both will confess later on

"It's good for a year, no? I mean I can use my black card on anything-"

"Hush, we'll spoil anything we want when we get there.. How'd you know about this place anyways?" Somi asks, her arm around Y/n's shoulder

"I studied there back in High School, top of the class" Y/n playfully brags, earning a tiny smack on her shoulder making themselves giggle

"So what do we do for now then, we have a few more hours till we go"

"Visit our friends? But it's alright if you can't" Somi just nods, smiling and hugging her

An hour later, the girls met the two by the park, NaJeong bickering, SaTzu cuddling along with DahMo, DaHyo feeding themselves and MiChaeng talking with Y/n and Somi

"You two would be back right?"

"Depends, Somi might stay there if I showed her the wonders" Y/n chuckles, looking st Somi who was pouty with her Mang Juan


"Aish, stop being so adorable Jeon.." Y/n pinches her cheek gently, making the blonde blush and turn away

"Ah, Y/n..come with us for a moment" Jeongyeon and Jihyo said

"I'll be right back, Som" The blonde smiles, Y/n standing up and followed the two by the swings

"So, you're gonna confess?"

"Yeah, right after the museum date.." The two smiled warmly, hugging the latter before whispering something that Y/n became red on

"Som, w-we should uh.. Head out, or else we'll be late"

"E-Eh? Already?" Y/n nods, smiling widely and reached her hand which Somi took. Y/n giggles as she found crumbs by her cheeks, taking a wet wipe in her pocket to remove the stain

"Let's go?"

"Yes please" The gang assisted them by the airport, bidding each other goodbye and watched the two board the gates
"Wait, you own this?!"

"Yes, and it's only us in there.. Well, of course except for the pilots and stewards" Somi blushes, silently thanking Y/n and pulled her for an embrace

"I-I'm already speechless, what else did you do?"

"Only for you to find out" The two smiled on each other, sitting side by side as they took off

On to Philippines they go!

The two were asleep, Somi cuddling Y/n with her hand under her shirt. Luckily the plane has a bedroom enough for two, or else they'd be cramped on the plane seats

The taller yawned, waking to the warmth by her tummy. She looks over to see Somi snoring softly by her chest, the embrace emitting warmth into her body which made her smile lovingly

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