Release the Dragon.

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Oropo is training Mishell how to use her Osamodas powers, and it's not going too well.

Oropo-Come on, kid, show me the dragon.

He hits her with enough force to break her nose and make her bleed.

Mishell-(Crying) What does that even mean?????!!!!!! I thought we were gonna bring peace to the world, not be violent.

Oropo-(laughs at her and hits her again, even harder) To get the box piece from your dad's manifold, we need to be able to fight anything there,it's not my fault you demigods are---.

Mishell-(gets up and wipes the blood and tears from her face) Pathetic, useless, boneheaded, stupid. You say these things to us and beat us until we are unconscious or worse, I wonder who is worse, you or our parents.

Oropo-Me, since I actually put in the parenting work, you are bound to hate me more.

But seriously, you think you can just go to a divine manifold and just get the box piece without being one of the strongest out there. Come on, in my old team, we do stuff like this for fun.

If I wanted to put you through true training, things would be much darker.

Mishell-OHHH great, more stuff to put me in constant dread of the psychopath who hits me more than five times an hour. Honestly, why did I ever come here?

Oropo-You came here because you believed in our cause, and you had no choice in the matter.

Flashback to when Echo and Oropo found Mishell.

They walk through the jungle and plants until they meet a bunch of animals.

Echo-Let me do the talking, otherwise, you might just kill them all.

Oropo-Hey, I'm great with animals, watch.

Oropo-Hey there jackass, can you please tell us where the demigod is, we're in a hurry and I need my free time to make something a thousand times better than some basic ----

The animals take offense and attack, only to get curb stomped by Oropo until Echo stops him.

Echo-Oropo she's an Osamodas demigod, these could be her friends or even family.

Oropo-(laughs) Yeah, I see the resemblance. Her momma was so ugly, she chose these guys because they looked prettier.

He continues to laugh, but then Mishell walks in on them and is shocked at her friends being injured and turns to Echo and Oropo.

Mishell-(Crying) My friends, why did you attack them????

Oropo-Firstly, a real attack from me would've bisected them. Secondly, they attacked us for whatever reason, so their fault.

She speaks to her gobowl friend, and he tells her what happened.

Mishell-It's because you hurt their feelings and mine, why are you such a meanie? (she then pouts) I think you need a time-out.

She then walks over to him and touches him with her finger.

Oropo-What was that supposed to do, AHHHHHHHH!!!!

Oropo turns into a tofu and was about to attack Mishell before Echo caught him.

Echo-I'm sorry for my other, he is a bit hotheaded.

Mishell-(Laughs) Like a Iop.

Echo-(Laughs) A lot more than an Iop, but we aren't here to hurt you or your friends. We would like you to join our group of demigods and dragon children who want to overthrow the gods and make a better world for all.

Mishell-Including animals.

Echo-Yes, even animals, especially ones as cute as your friends.

Echo plays with Mishell's animal pets.

Mishell-They seem to like you, Echo was it, well then when you put it that way I guess I'll jo----.

Oropo then casts a spell to get his form back before sucker-punching Mishell, knocking her out.


Oropo-That sounded like a yes to me.

Back to the current time

Mishel-I remember that now, I was knocked out for like a week. You said you saved me from an attack by poachers.

Oropo-I lied, but let's be honest, that isn't the worst thing I've done to you, right?

Mishell-(stands up and brushes the dust off her, before forcing a creepy smile) You know, I think I'm ready to go again.

Oropo-Fantastic, give me all you got,retar----.

Suddenly, Mishell closes the distance in an instant and punches Oropo with enough force to make him cough up blood and send him flying across the room.

Mishell-How's that for releasing the dragon?

Suddenly, clapping can be heard from afar.

Oropo-Good Mishell good you really have improved.

Mishel-Wait (she looks at him stomped and dumbfounded) if you are there, then who is?

The clone Oropo made dissipates.

Msihell-(Starts entering a cold sweat as her smile quickly turns to a look of dread) That was a clone.

Oropo-Yep, now let's get serious (releases enough wakfu and stasis to create a massive shockwave, before charging at the scared Mishell).

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