The Summer I Fell for You. 2/5

Start from the beginning

The waves were breathtaking and high today, which makes her even more frustrated. High tides meant perfect waves, but poor conditions for inexperienced swimmers. As she begins to pick up a man who was slightly overweight, she finds herself looking out to the shore and waving her hand, knowing that soon, Jeon Jungkook would come around.

She'd been seeing him around more—perhaps James who he was partnered to work with was working him hard, but she didn't mind.

In fact, she adored the brief interactions they'd had—sometimes he'd tease her saying that "if you wanted to see me that much you should've just said so," and others, she'd make a joke back about how she wanted to see his strong arms working. Speaking of, he had really strong arms. Park Chaeyoung, in fact, feels as if it's the only silver lining of having to help with rescues was to see his muscles at work as he rowed hard against the current to reach her. Not only that, but he'd always moved his arms with such fastness, despite the number of rescues, it was almost as though he put his 110% into every rescue, ignoring the undoubted fatigue he was experiencing. 

A wave of relief washes over her as she sees him coming from far on the rescue board, the usual look of determination on his face. 

But suddenly, her thoughts are interrupted when her board starts to shake as the man who she'd commanded to hold onto her boat (till rescue arrived) suddenly panics at the deepness of the water, suddenly dragging his arms against her hand as she falls into the water. Struggling, she reaches her hand out against him to fight back, only she's much too small to do so.

She tries to swim away too, but he's suddenly holding her head down to somehow float himself.

In the shock, she finds herself pushing with all her might, but all the energy she'd used earlier was starting to bite her in the back. All she could think about was how suddenly, everything seemed so comfortable, until fear begins to grow in her chest, realising that she was literally drowning because of some man who couldn't swim and wanted to use her as a floating device, rather than the board. 

As everything begins to turn black, she hears the faint sound of his voice.


Ahh, she finds her Korean name used by him so endearing. 

Maybe, she likes it.


Park Chaeyoung slowly opens her eyes as she hears the sound of clapping around her.

Oh gosh.

She knows exactly what was happening and she didn't like it at all—slowly peering through her eyelashes, she can see that she has an oxygen mask on and that one of the older lifeguards had been pumping his hands against her chest. Letting out a groggy moan, she suddenly turns her head and throws up all the water that was in her lungs, feeling embarrassed as she feels someone holding her hair up so that she didn't joke. 

"Guys, give her some space the ambulance is coming," one of the lifeguards comments as she feels her head being moved upwards.

"Are you okay?" Jeon Jungkook's voice was worried and soft.

She feels her cheeks turning red, embarrassed that he'd seen her like this. 

Park Chaeyoung manages to nod, as she feels her body slowly being moved onto the ambulance board as she's taken to the ambulance. She reaches her hand out to him but doesn't really know why.

She feels very delirious. 

"Chaeyoung—" his voice feels like a whisper.

"Jungkook, accompany her to the hospital," James commands, "... everyone else out—there's nothing to see." 

She doesn't remember much, only that she feels cold as soon as she reaches the back of the ambulance. The paramedics on site are wrapping her in aluminium. In the mess of it all, the man must've somehow ripped her wet suit, leaving her in her bikini.

Of course, she wasn't necessarily insecure about her body, yet knowing that Jeon Jungkook had seen her like that, made her feel some type of a way.

When all the tests are done, and she's given the all-clear, she feels embarrassed when he hands her his lifeguard jacket. 

"I'm sorry, we didn't know where to get clothes," he tells her, "... how are you feeling?" 

She puts it on, thinking that she likes how small she feels beneath it. 

"Tired," she takes a deep breath, "... is the man okay? He couldn't swim."

Park Chaeyoung feels confused at the silence, and turns to see the other lifeguards who'd visited after hours looking at Jeon Jungkook suspiciously. 

"What?" She asks, confused.

"You almost died and you really only care about him?" Jeon Jungkooks words are furious, "... he literally pulled you down under."

"Jungkook, relax a little..." James beside him pats him on the back, "... the dude is fine, minus the fact that Jungkook punched him and almost broke his nose but I guess it's better than him drowning to death."

Park Chaeyoung's eyes widen in surprise, and seeing by the reaction of everyone else, everyone was equally surprised.

Jeon Jungkook wasn't one to get angry.

One time, she'd rescued a group of Korean children who'd been caught in a rip and didn't know that the waters were much more dangerous than at home. She'd started yelling at their parents in fluent Korean, to the extent that Jeon Jungkook had to step in and calm her, telling the family that it was okay but to be careful.

Yet, the usually calm man was that protective over her?

"Jungkook?" She looks up at him as she slowly peels herself off the hospital bed, reaching for his hand to help hold her as she got down from it, "...thank you for reaching me in time."

She thinks she's grateful that he'd protected her.

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