Chapter 1;; Sweaty Train Trips and a Beautiful Town

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"Because it's summer and the memories are just waiting to happen." - Unknown


Chapter 1;; Sweaty Train Trips and a Beautiful Town

"Hey sweetie, I'm sorry again for leaving you. Just letting you know that I'm about to hop on the plane for my flight. I know you don't like the idea of living on the coast with your aunt for the summer but I know that you'll break out of your shell and make new friends as soon as you smell that salty ocean air. I love you Talia and I'll contact you as soon as my flight lands! Love you, Mum xx"

My eyes scanned over the text and I locked the screen, returning back to staring hopelessly out the train window, brushing a stray strand of hair off my face which was now wet from my sweat. Great.

I haven't even arrived at the coast yet and I'm already sweating like a pig. This is gonna be one great summer.

My always-working-mum had decided just two days before that an impromptu trip to London for her job would be better than spending the summer with her only daughter, me.

So there I was, sitting on a train in the stinking hot weather, trying to ignore the creepy old man who had been looking at me for the previous hour or so.

After my mum had refused to let me stay at home by myself for the summer, which I would've been completely fine with, it was decided that I would be going to stay with my Aunt Sophie in a small coastal town named Bryton for 3 months.

I didn't have many friends so it's not like I would've had massive parties while mum was gone or anything, not that I drink anyway, but mum wouldn't have it.

I was going to to Bryton and that was that.


"Next stop Bryton."

I collected my stuff together as I heard the announcer's voice trough the carriage.

As I felt the train coming to stop, I wiped my forearm across my sweaty forehead to try and remove at lease some of the moisture before standing up, pulling my jeans up a bit and heading towards the doors.

I didn't know what to expect when I stepped off the train.

I didn't know whether I was going to find a little taxi driver with a sign reading 'Talia Evans', or if I had to squeeze through the small crowd that has gathered in search for my aunt, but when I heard a female voice squealing, "Talia! Over here!" I had my answer.

Now you might be thinking that when I heard my name being called and looked to my left to see my Aunt Sophie waving at me like a mad man with a big grin on her face, that I immediately felt at home, or knew straight away that I was going to have an amazing summer, well, you're wrong.

Although a smile appeared on my face at the sight of my aunt, I did love her after all, I was still sweating in places I never knew you could, was majorly regretting wearing jeans and just wanted to get back on the train and head back to my air conditioned apartment in the city.

"It's so good to see you Talia!" Aunt Sophie proclaimed as she pulled me in for one of her famous bone-crushing hugs.

"You too Aunt Soph" I managed to get out before she released me and I was able to breathe again.

"Now, what have I told you about calling me 'Aunt'?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Not to call you Aunt. I'm sorry, I know you feel old but it's just habit." I replied as I pulled the strap of my bag back up onto my shoulder.

"It's ok. I'm sure you'll learn over the summer," Sophie joked, "Here I'll help you with your things, the car is just outside."

Together we made our way to her car, put my luggage in the boot and hopped in.

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