My heeled feet ached, and I limped down the street, kicking rocks and twigs as I went, disgusted with myself and what my life had done.

He was never going to love me; how could I have been so naive to think that he would have even considered starting to feel?

"Asshole," I mumbled, "fucking asshole, absolute shitfaced bitch." Anger boiled within me as I thought about what had happened. That douche had left me mid-dance to go and charm someone else; was he going to come back to the hotel and pretend like it didn't happen as well?

Wouldn't surprise me.

What was it with men and their lack of decency in my life?

At this rate, I was either going to die alone or die with someone who didn't give a fuck about me. Why didn't I have any good guys around me? Why did they all have to be gun-carrying criminals?

I pulled strands of stuck-down hair from my face and forced them behind my ears, wringing out the ends. I hated rain.

My dress was saturated, and I was miserable.

I wanted to go home. I wanted to see my family and my friends; I wanted my life back.

From behind me, I heard a sudden rumbling as I continued to limp down the street, growing louder and louder, and then the light around me also grew brighter.

My heart began to quicken.

It was too early for anyone to be out here with peaceful intentions. I mean, who in their right mind drives around at 2 a.m.?

I had a bad feeling about this.

I shot a quick glance back. A black SUV, Mikey?

I stopped walking; I wanted to go home. I'd give him a cold shoulder and plan an escape to the airport in the early morning, when I was dry and not dressed like a whore.

The car rolled slowly to a stop, the tinted windows making it impossible to see who was inside.

I squinted, the heavy downfall clouding my vision.

Slowly, the back window of the car rolled down, revealing a man.

My stomach fell to the floor as I opened my mouth to scream.

Mikey's POV.

We had been driving around for exactly 36 minutes, and nothing had turned up.

I had been checking the clock every two minutes or so.

This island wasn't big, and you could drive the entire coastline in half a day, much less walk even half of it.

At the speed I was going, I dare say that I could drive to this tiny island in two hours.

She couldn't have gone far at all; Ran said she had just left when he told me.

As time went by, the dread in my stomach continued to grow, brewing and boiling inside of me, ready to explode if she didn't show up in the next two minutes.

We were literally on a single-lane street; you couldn't drive in any other direction than the one we were going.

Unless her drunk ass fell into a bush, she had to be along this road.

As we rounded a corner, my eyes were blinded by the high-beam lights of another black SUV.

I glanced over at Sanzu, who returned my same concerned expression.

There weren't a heap of black SUVs on this island, not ones identical to ours at least; it had to be another cartel.

"Did you get a plate?" I looked over at Sanzu, who nodded.

His face suddenly dropped.

"Mikey," his voice sounding grim, "you're not going to like this," I gulped.

"What?" I growled, trying my best to come across as strong and calculated when, really, I just wanted to panic.

"It belongs to the Valhallas," Fuck.

If I didn't find her in the next thirty seconds around this next corner, then I had a pretty good idea of where she was, and I wasn't going to be happy about it.

Y/n's POV.

"Someone's a long way from the party, ay?" The drawling voice of the Valhalla scum from the party echoed through my ears as I stood frozen in my tracks.

"I was just getting some fresh air." I stammered slowly, forcing the words out so that they made some kind of sense.

"Do you often walk this far just to get some fresh air?" he paused, "in the pouring rain?"

"I like the rain," I said.

Oh god, Mikey better show up right now and kick this guy's fat ass.

"We could give you a lift back to the party if you like; get you out of the rain, ay?" he smirked slyly, showing his teeth. I wanted to be sick.

There was no way in hell I was getting in the car with him.

"I'm good, thanks; I'll just keep walking." I turned on my heels to continue when the door opened and a man stepped out.

This man looked like something out of a horror movie, like he should have been carrying a meat cleaver instead of a gun.

The Valhalla scum, Kisaki, let out a low and paralyzing laugh: "Mikey did say that I would never be able to afford you, but he never said I wouldn't have the ability to kidnap you."

"He's going to kill you," I sneered, gritting my teeth and trying to sound like I knew what I was saying.

Mikey probably didn't even know that I had run off; he was most likely still hanging out with his other girlfriend in some side room.

"He won't be able to find any of us. He's not coming for you, sweetheart," he said, letting out another chuckle.

He wouldn't be chuckling for a moment when I kicked the sh*t out of him.

From behind, while I was watching the mobster, someone hit me over the head with something heavy and hard.

My knees began to shake and quiver, slowly letting me down to the ground, the cold and loose gravel hurting my face.

My world faded from view, and all I could force out of my mouth was one word.


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