chapter 2

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hey guys! sorry for not getting this out this weekend like i said but I had Prom and i was sick but i got it out today! Ya'll forgive me won't you? i mean i still got her done1 thatsall that matters right?

XD <3


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Kyla woke up from a strangely restful sleep. she hadn'thad one in the past two days. it was like without her mother here nothing was there to hold the nightmares away and sooth the ones that had  gotten through the barrier she built around her daughter. The lack of nightmares left her feeling kind of hollow, she felt herself beginning to heal but didn't wish for it to happen. She wanted that raw ache that filled her mothers place in her heart to remain as it was. This made her wish for her mother more.

she sat up on her cot and rubbed her eyes. she pulled herself out of bed and brushed off the dress she fell asleep in. she hadn't meant to. she had a nightgown but by the time she had gotten back to her house she had been both physically and mentally exhausted from the intensity of the day before.

she walked over to the pitcher and wash basin to clean her face. she rubbed her way down to her neck. all of a sudden she remembered the strange occurances of yesterday after her mother's funeral. she remembered the stranger with the deep blue eyes. she remembered his touch on her neck. she remembered how her skin tingled and warmed. she wondered if it left something behind. as soon as the thought entered her mind she dismissed it. that sounded crazy even to her ears.

regardless of how crazy she felt it was, this did not stop Kyla from exiting her home and walking briskly over to the spring to peer at her image in the clear waters. the whole way there she told herself how stupid it was.

when she finally reached the waters edge, she slipped to her knees and looked down into the mirrory depths and tilted her head so her hair fell away from her neck. in the place where the stranger had touched her there was a mark. it almost resembled a birth mark;it was a large brown mark in the shape of of a four leafed clover. she reached up and touched the marks with her slender fingers.

out of no where the stranger that marred her was looking in the same water over her shoulder and looked into her eyes. he grinned and said,"hello there." kyla gasped at him. just then Kyla lost here hold on the bank and fell in the cold waters. she heard her stranger chuckle.


there you go. sorry for lack of editing. the little thingy that deleats letters automatically when u type in another before it and i dont know how to turn it off! i promise ill fix it later. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2014 ⏰

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