"Yeah, but not from penis penetration." Norah answered.

"Penis penetra..." Abby said acting like she's going to throw up.

"Uh, excuse me, I'm the gay one. Penis penetration." Maxine said, now acting like she's going to throw up. 

"This conversation's giving me hives." Abby said

"Really? It's kinda turning me on." Maxine said truthfully.

"How does it happen, then?" Ginny asked.

"He makes her call him Daddy!" Abby said.

"No. He usually goes down on me." Norah answered.

"Man, Jordan's such a good guy." Maxine said.

"Yeah" Norah replied.

Ginny looked at me. "What about you Y/n?" Ginny asked.

"Oh. Uh..He either goes down on me, like Norah said, or he uses his fingers, or....Penis penetration." I said.

They all looked at me. 

"For real?" Norah asked.

"I mean, yeah. Marcus knows how to please me." I said.

"Go Marcus." Abby said, making me laugh.

"Wow." Ginny said disappointed.

"Kinda sounds like Hunter isn't doing any of this."  Abby said. 

Ginny sighed. "We've kissed, like, three times. No tongue. That's it." She said.

"Seriously? You guys have been dating for a few week." Maxine said. 

"It's weird, right?" Ginny said.

"He hasn't even grabbed a boob?" Maxine asked.

"He hasn't even grabbed a boob." Ginny said

Abby did the honors and grabbed her boob.

"Thanks." Ginny said.

"Here for you" Abby said, which made me giggle a bit. 

"Maybe he's not attracted to me." Ginny said.

"Probably" Abby said.

Okay. wow.

"What? No! You're gorgeous." Norah said. 

"So, are you masturbating furiously waiting for him to make a move?" Maxine said smiling.

"Masturbating is so gross." Abby said.

"Yeah, I don't get it." Ginny said.

Maxine chuckled. "Me neither." she said.

Abby played the video again only for moans can be heard from the female.

"That's a fun new orifice." Maxine said.

"See? This is the problem with porn. It gives guys a messed-up view of sex and never prioritizes female pleasure. That's why guys never have any idea what they're doing." Ginny said, which made me chuckle a bit.

"Ginny, you say that like you had sex." I said. 

Ginny just looked at me until her phone ringed.

"Oh." Norah said.

"It's Brodie." Ginny said.

"Brodie. Why is Brodie texting you?" Abby asked.

"He wants to know if we're going to Battle of the Bands." She replied.

"It's all they talked about last night." Ginny said.

"Oh, I'm so excited about that. Sophie's definitely gonna be there. Her rock god friend Scott's performing. He won last year." Maxine said.

Disloyal or Betrayed || Marcus BakerWhere stories live. Discover now