Chapter 2: creepy ass fans😷

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Hobie POV:

Now that getting a good look at this girl.. she looks really familiar. I wonder where I know her from. "Spider man?" She says in excitement. I quickly realize who she is. Zero. From Brain's Rotting. I get to save one of my favourite musicians. Maybe she'll want to talk after. "Are you ok?" I repeat. "Uh yeah yeah I'm ok." She says. I look at the man in front of me. He looks a little panicked as I stare him down. Damn he's a wuss huh?

The man rips the web off his mouth after struggling a bit. "I'm just trying to give Zero here a little message from my boss. Not trying to cause any harm to the little lady." The man says, cowering a bit. "Put down the needle, I got you." I says to Z, "Right then, get on with it." I say, still in front of Zero. "Uh, ok. The kind man who's paying me to do this asked that I make sure you got his letters?" The man said.

"Yeah.. I got them." She said throwing the needle back to the ground. She was probably more then capable of handling this but I gotta protect. "Ah good! I'm just making sure that you sent a reply?" He asked. What the in the hell is this guy talking about? "Letters?" I chime in. "Doesn't concern you Spider-Man. I just need to make sure a reply is on its way." The man says, gaining a bit of confidence I see.

"No, I did not send a response." Z says. "Ah well we can't have that can we? You know what happens if you don't reply yes?" Mr. fucking messenger says. "I get threats like that all the time, they have never actually followed through." She says. "Threats? From who?" I asked in surprise.

"Again spidey, this doesn't concern you." The man repeats. "Now Zero, reply to Mr. Johnson right away. You know that all the threats are true now. That should be enough reason to reply."

"Excuse me mate, you can't just threaten someone in front of spider man and get away with it." I say. Making sure that Z is still right behind me by grabbing her hand well not turning my back to Mr. Johnson's hit man. Big man backed down as I started reaching for my guitar. He's probably heard what I did to _______ with it.

"You know what to do to stay alive Zero, don't make the wrong choice. You know what's going to happen." The man says as he turns and begins to walk away. Before he can get 2 steps away, I grab him with a web. Tying him up, surely someone will find him eventually.

"Can I get you home?" I ask, turning to face Zero. "Oh uh no! No that's ok! I don't want to make anymore trouble for you!" She says stumbling with her words a bit. "Ah come on love, let me make sure you're safe. A safe trip home is part of the saved by spider man package." I say, moving towards her.

I can get a better look at her now then when she was on stage. Her eyes, her hair, everything. She's bloody beautiful. Wonder why the band only shows their face at shows. I mean, if I could flaunt my face as spider man, I definitely would.

"Erm, ok.." she says a little hesitation in her voice. "I sling webs everyday, I've never fallen once." I say trying to ease her nerves.

..I did not ease anything. "SWINGING ON WEBS? I'm sorry man but that's just not for me. Thank you so much for saving me and thank you for the offer of taking me home but I'll be ok." She says, "what? You don't trust spider man? That's a load of bull." I say in a hurt tone. "I'll be honest Spidey, I don't trust you. I don't know you. I met you today. So thank you for the offer but I'm gonna be ok." She says, laughing a little. "Ok well then can we at least move away from, Mr. Johnson's hit man and you can tell me what's going on?" I say. "Ok.." she says as we turn and walk out of the alley and into a subway station.


Y/n POV:

"So, what was that all about?" Spider man asks. "Oh you know.. just some creepy fan threats. "Oh yeah, I get those too." Spider man says back to me. "But normally it's just love confessions. Never really threats."
"Mine are threatening love confessions,
Like date me or I'll kill you and then myself. No one's ever actually followed through though.."

Spider man starts talking again but I see my train pull up. "Hey that's my train, thanks again for the help Spidey!" I say, cutting him off before he can even start talking and walking away. "Wait hey!" He yelled out.
"When's your next trip down that alley? I'd like to stop by and make sure you're alright." He says loudly. "Next Friday, around 1 or 2am" I yell back as I walk onto the train.
As I take my seat I can see Spidey swing out of the station.

As I sit on the train I can't seem to get my mind off what the "hit man" said. I've gotten scary ass letters since I was 15 and I don't like talking about these things out loud. I talked to Toni about it once but she said that she doesn't really get letters like that, and that I was being a bit dramatic.

I was 15 and typically young teenagers are dramatic but I talked to her about the first one I got, 2 years ago. When the band had started to gain a little bit of popularity. At the time and was really afraid and still kind of am.

I had gotten some fan Mail for about a month. Nothing much, mostly other teenagers talking about how much I understand them and how I am what they wish they were. But one letter was different.

It was from a boy. I call him a boy because no real man would act the way he does. His name was Dale Sharp. He said that he was 41, and had a daughter my age who was taken from him in a divorce. Dale was a politician and was on the news for being thrown in jail at one point for beating his now ex-wife. Though he was able to bale himself out within less than 24 hours. I didn't feel sorry for him, I was a little weirded out that he wrote to me though. Then I read the rest of the letter. He talked about how much he loved his daughter. As a father and as a lover. I was immediately alarmed but it just got worse and worse.

He moved on to talk about how alike I am to his daughter, we had similar voices, similar opinions. He ended it off that if he didn't get his daughter back he would come after me. Talking about how he would kidnap me and take me away from the world.

Of course I showed Toni. Well she seemed worried, she wasn't THAT worried. He took the letter to the police but they said that it was probably one of Dales non supporters or opponents trying to get him into trouble.

I was really pissed off that Dale didn't have any consequences. But I wrote a song about it and got my fans to vandalize and wreck his house well her was away.

That was a long time ago though..

(Word count: 1246)

Hi hi! Sorry this took so long to come out and I'm so sorry about the editing. Exam week so my editor is studying and stressing right now!

Stay safe a be ready for part 3!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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