
After Cassandra had untied the horses' binds that disabled them from movement, the three continued walking, with Cassandra soon realizing they had left the caravan with the Drexis, but knowing there was nothing she could do about it now.

"Well, that was quite the adventure".

Cassandra and her two four-legged friends continued marching on before noticing the exit to the forest off in the distance.

"Look, there's the exit! And look, right next to that tree is another clue!"

Cassandra had been one of the few people who had made it through the Forest of No Return alive, and now, she had her next clue to finding the treasure!

"To find the next clue, though it sounds absurd,

Go to the Forest of Tea and Birds," Cassandra read aloud to the two-horsed crowd.

"Tea and Birds? What does that mean?"

Just as Cassandra had tucked the clue back in her pocket, she heard someone calling her name from behind.

"Cassandra!" It was Rapunzel.

"Rapunzel!" Cassandra called back. The two sisters scampered towards each other, both going in for a tight embrace, and Rapunzel shedding a tear or two.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" Rapunzel choked while still holding tightly to Cassandra.

"I'm okay, Raps," Cassandra reassured her as they slowly let go of each other. "How was the forest?"

"It was alright," Rapunzel responded as she tucked her hair behind her ear. "Eugene became a little overbearing after you left-"

"I did not! I was being assertive!" Eugene defended as Adira rolled her eyes.

"But Adira helped us out!" Rapunzel finished. "Did you see the Drexis?"

"Yes! I had to jump into a land pit to escape, but we all made it! Did you?"

"Yep!" Rapunzel confirmed. "It was just like Adira said, with fangs the size of a chubby toddler".

Cassandra laughed in agreement, thankful she'd never have to face anything as terrifying as the Drexis again (are you sure about that?).

The girls continued catching up, sharing all the adventures they had in the Forest of No Return, as they made their way out of the forest.

"What's that?" Rapunzel then asked her sister, gesturing to the little piece of paper barely peeking out of her pocket.

"I found the next clue," Cassandra filled her sister in as she pulled it back out of her pocket while they continued walking.

"That's great, Cass!"

"Yeah, and it says we have to go to 'The Forest of Tea and Birds'. Do any of you know where that is?"

"I don't know," Adira shrugged.

"Beats me," Eugene agreed.

"I've never heard of it before. But I'm sure if we keep following the path we'll find it eventually," Rapunzel encouraged Cassandra.

The group continued making their way on the path they believed they were to follow, chit-chatting as they went, all of them wildly relieved to be out of that monstrous forest.

"So, short hair," Adira signaled for Cassandra, making her confident approach to the young woman. "You made it out of the Forest by yourself?"

Cassandra chuckled timidly. "Yeah, I guess I did".

"You know, very few people have made it out of the Forest of No Return alive. I'm impressed".

Cassandra smiled back at the older woman. "Thanks, Adira! But I'm still keeping my eye on you!" Flattery still wouldn't work with Cassandra, unsurprisingly.

"Look! There's the caravan!" Rapunzel cried out with enthusiasm.

"The land must have shifted it over here!"

The group looked to the caravan, and Cassandra was so glad she hadn't been responsible for losing it, which she hadn't even told Rapunzel about yet, and now she wouldn't have to. It's not like Rapunzel would've been upset, as Cassandra did what she had to do, but now everyone would still have their belongings as they made their way to the next clue.

"Well, this is where I leave you," Adira informed the group, ready to make her leave and embark on her next exciting adventure.

"Thank you, Adira," Rapunzel thanked the adventurer.

"For ev-" Cassandra tried to say.

"Everything?" Adira finished Cassandra's sentence. "I know, I'm amazing," she bragged. "Once again, I have conquered the forest of no return and single handedly pulled you out of a dire strait. And I still have bronchitis! Which I didn't even tell you about because let's face it, I'm a champion!"

"Show off," Eugene muttered once again, rolling his eyes to the back of his head.

With that, Adira and Cassandra's clan went their separate ways, and the group continued navigating the caravan in the way they believed they should go.

"You know, for the record, I'm pretty confident I could have gotten us out of there eventually. But I figured, let Adira have her moment in the sun, you know?" Eugene boasted, his chest puffed out as he drove the horses along the path.

"That was very nice of you, Eugene," Rapunzel complimented the young man, patting her hand on his puffed-out chest. "Now, Captain Cass-" Rapunzel then remembered the argument she had earlier with Cassandra about her title as "Captain". "Oh sorry, I mean Cassandra".

Cassandra smiled at her sister with a beaming pride, now knowing her true worth as leader.

"Call me Captain, I deserve it," she instructed Rapunzel.

Rapunzel smiled back, so happy for Cassandra and proud of her newfound confidence.

"Aye aye, Captain! Onward we go!" 

Lousy Little Pest! | Sequel to Gothel's Greatest GiftWhere stories live. Discover now