buried in a pillow at your place

127 10 6

started: 6/9/23
finished: 6/12/23
        the F slur
        finn being in denial
        finn overthinking everything he does
     survivors guilt

A/N:  vance makes his grand appearance in this chapter, but finney finds it very unexpected. and embarrassing on his part.
        also i kinda made vance's personality like dally from the outsiders so if you see resemblances then thats why
finneys POV

i don't remember how long it had been since i was out of the shower, i was zoned out. just thinking about griffin. his blood stained lifeless body, bent over in uncomfortable ways. i cant get that image out of my head. but then griffin shook me and got me out of my trance that i was in just moments ago.

"hey finn.. are you alright?" griffin asked, worry written all over his face. "yea. im fine griff, just thinking." "oh. well do you wanna talk about it?" he said as he sat beside me on the couch.

i thought about what he said for a second. should i tell him? no i shouldnt, he most likely wouldnt believe me and even if he did he would hate me for letting it happen to him. he would never forgive me. i let him suffer in the basement, i shouldve been there for him but i wasnt. i had the opportunity but i let it pass by me without having a second thought to it. but that was the past or was it the future? who cares what you call it, all that matters is that griffin will be safe and never have to be scared for his life ever again. i will make sure of it.

i was obviously lost in my thoughts for a long time because when i finally came back to my senses, there were tears in my eyes and griffin was hugging me tightly around my waist. i hugged him back and we stayed like that for the rest of the night, slowly falling asleep.

________\next morning/_________

I wake up spread out on the couch and a pillow over my face (most likely from tossing and turning in my sleep). i toss the pillow off my head and open my eyes to see that griffin is not with me, i start to panic and look around me but griffin is no where to be seen. instead i see a much taller blonde boy in the kitchen, he looked like he was cooking something? i stand up and walk towards the boy but the closer i get the more the person starts to be recognizable. its pinball vance fucking hopper. i stop in my tracks. why was vance in griffins house?? did he also know about what happend? what was going on? i had so many questions but i soon realize that it wont help anything.

"what the hell are you staring at?" i didnt even notice that we were having a staring contest till he asked that. "i.. uh.." i couldnt think of anything to say. my face flushes a red color out of embarrassment. what if he thinks im blushing at him?? he would never wanna talk to me if he thought that. god why am i so stupid! vance probably thinks im a wierdo and a fag.

fortunately my prayers have been answered when griffin came out of the bathroom and walked in the kitchen. "oh good morning finn!" griffin had the brightest smile on, one that could light up the whole town. "good morning griff." i say with a light smile, i can feel my face slowly recoiling back to its orginal color. thank god. "who is this?" vance asked sending death glares towards me, i was already sweating before but now? i was sweating up the whole ocean. but like i suspected, vance didnt remember anything. even though i was expecting it, i was still disappointed. "oh right! i forgot to tell you vance but this is finney my new friend! and finney this is vance, which im sure you already know him, but he is my brother" griffin said all giddy like. well that just made saving them a whole lot easier. i gave a small smile   but vance just gave me a glare, looking me up and down. griffin hit vance in the back of the head with his hand, which shocked me. "the hell was that for?!" vance questions as he turns to look at griffin. "be nice to my friend and maybe i wont hit you again." griffin huffed out. vance replied by hitting him back but it was obvious that they were play fighting. my eyes widened as they were both laughing and hitting eachother playfully, i just stood there awkwardly not wanting to disrupt their very sweet and fond moment.

they soon stop playing around when they hear beeping noice coming from above them "oh shit!" vance screams at no one in particular and runs to the stove and turns it off, revealing severally burnt eggs. "god damnit griff, you made me burn the eggs! those were the last ones too." when vance said that, i felt relieved that we wouldnt be eating eggs, although i did feel bad for vance and griffin. maybe im being selfish but i am so thankful for that, if we were to eat eggs id just throw it up immediately. "shit man. i guess we can have pancakes? not like we got a choice anyway."

vance's POV

"hey vance, you got cleaning duty tonight! i already closed up, cya later." a boy that i work with says "yea yea whatever, cya bruce" i say back and the boy leaves shortly after.

i work at a crappy gas station, more specifically the grab n' go. i only work here to help out my mom with the bills, plus it helps pass time.

when im done cleaning up, i change into more comfy clothes and start walking home. im glad that i live close to the grab n' go, about 5 minutes away from it. poor bruce has to ride his bike out here and it still takes him bout' 20 minutes. but im glad that bruce works there. its less lonely.

i walk into my house to see two boys cuddled up against eachother on the couch, i recognize both of them. one of them being my brother and the other is finney blake. that poor kid gets bullied every damn day, i dont know why but ever since griffin had that nightmare about bein killed, ive had sort of a soft spot for finney? even though i never even talked to him i still feel the need to protect him? i dont know its weird. i walk pass them without really thinking anything of it and flop onto my bed, dropping my eye lids into a slumber.

_____\time skip to morning/_____

i wake up at around 6am to cook breakfast for the two shitheads, i get the pan out put it on the stove and start to make eggs. we only had 3 and that was enough for us all so it worked out. i heard some movement from the living room and turned my head to see griffin get up and go to the bathroom and i heard the shower go on. i continue to make eggs till finney wakes up, he acts confused and walks towards me.

then he just stares at me for a solid 2 minutes, finally i speak up to him, "what the hell are you starin' at?" i cross my arms and glare at him. he is really starting to piss me off. "i- uh.." he stutters and hes face becomes a bright red color. i feel sad that he fears me but, most people do so what was i expecting? griffin finally comes out of the bathroom and walks towards us. "oh good morning finn!" griffin smiles and finn does the same, "good morning griff." he says. "who is this?" im not sure why i said that. i know who he is, not for good reasons though. hes basically the laughing stock of the school everybody knows him. "oh right! i forgot to tell you vance but this is my new friend, finney! and fi...." griffin said but i ignored the end of it and just continued my glare. im worried for griff. what if finney gets griffin bullied? what am i even talking about why do i care what these two scrawny kids do with there life. i dont care.

i come back to reality when griffin hits me in the back of my head "the hell was that for!?" "be nice to my friend and maybe i wont hit you" griffin snarked back to me, i hit him in the shoulder as a response and that went on for a while of us just playfully hitting eachother and laughing. that was untill we heard beeping coming from above us. "oh shit!" i yell while running to the eggs, only for the eggs to be burnt. "god damnit griff, you made me burn the eggs! those were the last ones too." i look over to the two of them, griffin with a smirk on his face while finney looked relieved, which was strange but hey who am i to question peoples life choices.

i look over to my left to see that we had leftover pancakes guess that will have to do. "shit man. i guess we can have pancakes? not like we got a choice anyway."


honestly im proud of this chapter 😀

1597 words 😜

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