chapter 3

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Chapter 3:-

Khushi led Raunak into his room, hoping that he would feel comfortable there. She waited expectantly for him to speak up about his opinions on the room, but he barely seemed to muster up any enthusiasm.

"It's nice," His voice was low and unassuming. "But it's not very big for me to be alone in."

"Don't worry," Khushi tried to reassure him. "Just try to freshen up and rest. And, yes, we'll have dinner together tonight. I have to leave now, but I'll check in on you later."

As Khushi made her way out of the room, Raunak's eyes followed her until she was out of sight. He then turned to face the room once again, his thoughts veering off in a dark direction.Little did Khushi know, the stranger she had taken into their home was not as innocent as he seemed. Raunak had a dark past and a sinister motive for being there. He had already begun to formulate a plan to turn the tables on them and use their kindness to his advantage.

"They have made many mistakes," He muttered to himself, a small smirk creeping across his lips. "But the biggest mistake they made was letting me live here. You will surely regret it."

Meanwhile, in Arnav and Khushi's room, the couple was in deep discussion about the mysterious guest who had entered their lives.

"I still haven't learned anything about him," Arnav's voice was filled with curiosity. "Where did he come from?"

Khushi looked thoughtful. "No one has reported him missing or anything. It's strange."

Arnav's face grew solemn, "It's been 3 days now, and no one knows anything about him. He may not have any family."

Khushi's eyes widened at the mention of that idea, "What do you mean?"

"I mean if something has happened to him, that could be the end of it," Arnav's tone was grave. "He may not have anyone to come and look for him."

"Don't say that!" Khushi's voice rose in panic. "I believe he has family somewhere. We just have to keep looking."

Arnav sighed at her persistent optimism, "Oh Khushi, you always listen to your heart before your head. You've been playing emotional roles for 2-3 years now, it's time for a change. In fact, I'm writing a script and you can play the grey character."

Khushi looked confused, "Why don't you take Neeta instead?"

"Something's up with Neeta," Arnav rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "She's been acting strange lately."

"Why do you suddenly like her so much?" Khushi couldn't resist teasing him.

"It's the character's demand, Khushi," Arnav shrugged. "You're my wife now. I can't keep casting you in every film. You've had lead and supporting roles, as well as the anti-heroine."

As their conversation came to a close, Khushi remembered something and exclaimed, "she called from Scouts restaurant. He'll meet you there."

Arnav nodded, "Alright. Why are you getting so jealous? Let's have lunch together."

As the couple made their way to the dining hall, Raunak slowly took in the glass table with silver chairs and the grand chandelier hanging above it. Khushi pointed to the left side of the hall, indicating the kitchen with its wooden door.He sat in the dining hall and thought about his next move, his mind sharp and calculating. He had to find a way to gain their trust and infiltrate their personal lives. He knew that once he had their secrets and weaknesses, he could use them to his advantage.

"My biggest concern is that I'm staying here," Raunak spoke up after a moment. "I don't know where my family is."

Khushi bit her lip, trying to find the right words to say. "Well, until you find them, consider this place your home. You can stay here as long as you want."

Arnav interrupted them, "Well, now I have to leave for an important meeting, see you young man." As he got up from his chair, he suddenly stumbled and fell to the ground.

Khushi and Raunak rushed to help him up, Khushi quickly stifling a laugh. "Ouch," Arnav groaned. "I don't know how I tripped."

"Haha," Khushi couldn't resist joking with him. "It reminded me of how we first met, when you fell and I helped you up."Meanwhile, Raunak sat in silence, observing the couple in front of him. He couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy at how comfortable they were with each other,

Nine years ago,
Khushi was running late as she rushed into the Delhi railway station. She couldn't afford to miss the train to Mumbai, which was declared a national emergency. Although it was difficult to get tickets, Khushi managed to board the train. However, she lost her seat number in the chaos, and people jostled her around until she fell onto a seat that was occupied by someone else.

Arnav, the guy who was sitting in that seat, got angry when he saw Khushi occupying it. He tried to shove her,
Arnav:hey ma'am you are occupying my seat.i just went to bring a coffee for me , And here you...

but he slipped and fell in front of her. Their eyes met, and Arnav was struck by Khushi's beauty. Khushi apologized for taking his seat and explained that she couldn't find hers. Arnav stand up from his position.
Khushi: I'm sorry actually i lost my seat number and here in this crowd i fall over here.i will leave now.

Arnav forgave her and offered to let her sit there.
Arnav:no no it's okey i understand.
You sat there.i sat next to you,my fellow passenger may not come.
Khushi:no it's not need.
Arnav: Ma'am did you look at the crowd,it will going to Impossible for you to find out your seat,and you may got hurt in this process,so take my advice and
As the train journeyed to Mumbai, Khushi and Arnav felt a strange pull towards each other. Arnav had never been attracted to anyone like he was to Khushi. He tried to hide his feelings, but his gaze kept returning to her. Meanwhile, Khushi felt a little uneasy with Arnav's staring. She wondered what he was thinking and why he was looking at her instead of minding his own business.However, every time Arnav looked at Khushi, his heart rate increased, and he felt a warm feeling in his chest. He couldn't remember feeling this way before. Khushi, on the other hand, felt a flutter in her stomach whenever Arnav spoke to her. She tried to keep her composure, but she couldn't help feeling drawn to him.

As the night wore on, Khushi and Arnav found themselves talking.
He shared his stories of where he came from and what they wanted to do in Mumbai while Arnav wanted to direct movies. Khushi found Arnav's ambition inspiring,

At morning,

When the train finally arrived in Mumbai, arnav who just wake up from his sleep,he saw Khushi rushed to get her bags and leave. Arnav followed her, but he lost sight of her among the crowd of people. He felt a pang of regret that he didn't ask for her phone number or arrange a way to meet again. Khushi, too, felt a sense of longing as she left the station. he wondered if she would ever see khushi again and whether she felt the same way about him.

Precap: Khushi and Arnav meet again in flashback

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