Stark and horses?

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It is one in the morning when I finally stumble into my room, physically and mentally drained from the full night of festivities. My dress, previously the life of the party, now felt like a burden on my weary body. I hastily removed it and let it fall gracefully to the floor before lowering myself onto the soft embrace of my bed. The long day and copious amounts of alcohol I had consumed throughout finally caught up with me, pulling me towards the irresistible shores of sleep.

In what seemed like a blink of an eye, yet somehow lasted for hours, my body recuperated. The sun climbed steadily upward and reached its highest point, casting its bright light through gaps in my curtains. At last, I awake around twelve in the afternoon, feeling surprisingly refreshed despite the previous night's indulgences.

Yawning and stretching to help combat any lingering lethargy, I throw on some comfortable clothes before drifting towards the kitchen in search of something to sate my hunger. The aroma of fresh coffee and buttery toast urges me to make a brunch for myself.

My eyes wander around the moderately-stocked fridge before settling on a cucumber, cool and full of refreshment. Deciding that simple was best for today, I chop it up into thin slices, arranging them neatly in a shallow bowl. Sitting down at the kitchen table with a tall glass of water by my side, I munch away at the cucumbers with appreciation for their crispness.

Several members of the Avengers walk into the kitchen. A smirk tugs at Nat's lips as she scans my modest creation with a critical eye.

"Nice hungover brunch?" she teases playfully.

It is obvious that they had all assumed the effects of last night had caught up to me.

"I'm not hungover," I retort, meeting her smirk with one of my own, feeling a sense of pride in proving them wrong.

Nat's eyebrows shoot upwards, and she lets out an incredulous huff.

"How the fuck-" she begins, but is cut off as Tony quickly nudges her in the side.

I force a smile and turn back to the thinly sliced cucumber on my plate, my appetite suddenly vanishing. My face begins to pale, and a wave of nausea washes over me.

"Hey, are you alright?" Nat asks with genuine concern, placing a gentle hand on my arm for comfort.

Trying to act calm, I shake my head slightly and respond, "I'm fine, just got a bit dizzy for a moment."

I reach up and wipe the beads of sweat forming on my brow. I can feel Nat's eyes watching me closely, but I avoid meeting her gaze.

"I just need some real food. I didn't have dinner last night," I explain weakly in an attempt to justify my sudden discomfort.

"Well, cucumber is definitely not going to help much," she smirks knowingly. "I vote we get McDonald's."

To my relief, everyone else in the group seems to readily agree with her suggestion. Nat whips out her phone and quickly navigates through the McDonald's app to place an order for all of us.

"What do you want?" she asks me kindly while looking intently at her screen.

Feeling grateful for both her attention and the pending meal, I muster up a smile and say, "A chicken burger meal with large fries and a Coke, that will probably do the trick."

"Alright, that's done," she confirms as her fingers swiftly tap on the screen. "Oh! Let's throw in some chicken nuggets as well just in case. We could all use some extra sustenance!"

As we wait for our meal, everyone around me continues chatting lightheartedly while I sip water and try to regain my composure. I'm grateful for Nat's understanding and support.

As our food finally arrives at the table, I can't help but feel my stomach growl in anticipation. Eagerly, I begin to dig into the delicious meal laid out before me. With every bite, I start to feel better, the comforting presence of a warm meal settling in my belly.

"Hey kiddo, today I'm planning on heading down to the stable. Fancy joining me?" Stark casually asks as he strolls towards me, wiping his hands on a cloth.

"You have horses?" I inquire with surprise.

"Yep, quite a few actually," he replies.

A bright smile spreads across my face as I remember my fondness for the gentle giants.

"I'd love to go! I've always loved horses. In fact, when I was younger, I even got to do some riding," I eagerly share with Stark, hoping to impress him.

His eyes widen slightly in interest as he glances at me. "That's fantastic! We'll head down there after we finish eating," he says with an approving smile.

After our meal, we make our way towards the stables in excitement. The air is filled with anticipation and an unspoken bond begins to form between us, a shared love for these wonderful creatures. As we approach the stable doors, the sounds of gentle nickering and hoofbeats greet us like a welcoming song.

As Stark introduces me to his majestic horses, I can sense the pride in his voice. One by one, he shares their names and personalities, as if I were being introduced to his close friends. The horses react with affectionate nickers and gentle whinnies to his presence, revealing the deep bond they share with him. It's heartwarming to see the love they have for each other, and I'm glad that Stark seems equally fond of them.

Though I am fascinated by the whole experience, I can't help but feel a little uncomfortable. This is my first time on an outing like this without Nat by my side. I've grown so used to her guiding presence that her absence makes me feel slightly out of place.

Sensing my hesitation, Stark kindly offers a suggestion, "Would you like to try riding one of them? It's an amazing experience"

I hesitate for a moment before responding, "Um, yeah, I would actually"

Seeing the apprehension in my eyes but wanting to assure me, Stark reaches out to put his hand gently on my shoulder and says with an encouraging smile, "You'll be alright. I promise you, I'll be here every step of the way to help you if you need anything"

His words give me comfort and courage, and together we approach one of the horses as it patiently waits for us.

As I watch him carefully, he skillfully tacks up a majestic grey horse with fluid movements. Once the horse is ready, he offers me a steady hand for support and gives me a gentle leg up onto the saddle. At first, I sway ever so slightly on the horse, trying to find my balance. But soon, I begin to relax as I feel more comfortable and secure.

We start our ride at a leisurely pace, exploring the scenic countryside that surrounds us. The sun shines warmly overhead as we traverse lush fields and dense forests. As we ride together, we chat and laugh, enjoying the simple pleasure of each other's company, all while forging a bond with our noble steeds.

We spend about an hour riding through the countryside, enjoying the scenery and fresh air. When we finish, we head back to the tower, both of us feeling refreshed from our outdoor adventure.

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