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+++++++++time skip+++++++++

After history Mac walks off to find her locker, and as she was putting her bag and books. “excuse me” a small voice next to her says, turning her head Mac finds herself staring at 'ghost boy' or also known as Jake from history.

Letting a soft chuckle fall from her lips, Mac scoots over a bit so the boy could get to his things “it's kinda funny how we keep meeting like this”.  Mac smiled at the comment, it truly seemed that the universe or something kept drawing them together.

Mac looked down at the small paper and sighed, her second class was English. Swallowing down the lump in her throat she forced her feet to move forward.

+++++++++Time skip+++++++++

Twenty minutes into the class Mac's eyes start to drop and soon enough Mac ends up falling asleep. “miss. Winchester, if my class is so tiering then you may be excused!” and with that Mac bolts awake, eyes full of panic.

“no, no. I'm sorry” Mac explained while scrambling for an excuse, the man only scoffed, and turned back to the paperwork staking on his desk.

+++++++++Time skip+++++++++

After English Mac was already done with the day, next class was science and Mac was honestly dreading the rest of the day. Her energy was all of a sudden draining from her limbs .

Sitting down at a free set towards the back of the room, “morning, shit heads” the teacher announced, it hadn't even been twenty minutes and Mac already knew that this was going to be her favorite class. The two had made contact and the older seemed confused “hello back there, I don't think you've been here before. So stand up and introduce your self”.

she had said curiosity lacing her tone, all eyes turn to Mac as she silently begged for the earth to swallow her whole though she was a winchester. so she stood up and head her head up high as she cleared her throat, “ hi, I'm Mac and I'm new” after her introduction she quickly sat down hoping for all the eyes to return to the front of the class.

The teacher cleared her throat “well, Mac I'm miss. Stevens and as long as you corporate here then you'll pass. Now as I was saying” miss. Stevens ranted on as Mac started to zone out.

Hi there, so I tried to make this longer as to make up for last chapter so I hope you like it.

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